Disinformation on hunting forums

My brother lives out of state and fell into this trap a few years ago. He was going to bring 3 other friends out antelope hunting to Wyoming. He calls me and says, I've been hearing a lot of bad reports on Facebook about area X, maybe we should wait a year. The next week i traveled for work and drove through area X and sent him probably 40 pictures of antelope bucks from my truck seat in the matter of 4 hours. I said, whatca think about area X now? LOL!
Theres not an in-state license plate to be found where Im hunting right now. Guys hauling ass on the roads, GIANT camps and tree cams everywhere; even miles from roads. It wasn't that many years ago that it was a quiet unit. I appreciate my fellow hunter, but to completely take over is a different matter...I think tree cams should be illegal; forest surveillance is just strange. Ill just hike further...my point is, earn your hunt. I think the disinformation comes from guys trying to preserve their locale as much as possible.
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When I got into hunting a couple people helped me out and told me some well known places as a place to start.

Not everyone knows people in real life that hunt to ask these questions. There's a handful of people I'll be forever grateful to, and I have no idea their real names.

So even saying "Buck Meadows off highway 100 is a popular spot," or "Lake Tootenheimer always has some bucks taken" gives a guy somewhere to start. It's up to me to figure out that it's too crowded and where to go from there.

Heck, it could be as simple as a book recommendation or a podcast. But then go do your own work and spend your own gas money man.
Theres not an in-state license plate to be found where Im hunting right now. Guys hauling ass on the roads, GIANT camps and tree cams everywhere; even miles from roads. It wasn't that many years ago that it was a quiet unit. I appreciate my fellow hunter, but to completely take over is a different matter...I think tree cams should be illegal; forest surveillance is just strange. Ill just hike further...my point is, earn your hunt. I think the disinformation comes from guys trying to preserve their locale as much as possible.
If you are speaking of AZ and cameras I have almost no doubt they will be banned soon and the ban date if enacted will be Jan 01/2022. We are now in the public comment period (Jan. 1, 2021 through Feb. 1, 2021) and once that's over I'll bet they vote it in the following commission meeting.
Well now I know that I can disregard your replies as bogus in future unit threads. :cool:
That's why i said "almost always", that way they'll never know if its bogus or not. Add in the fact i probably don't know jack about what unit is being questioned just adds another layer of mystery lmao.
My brother lives out of state and fell into this trap a few years ago. He was going to bring 3 other friends out antelope hunting to Wyoming. He calls me and says, I've been hearing a lot of bad reports on Facebook about area X, maybe we should wait a year. The next week i traveled for work and drove through area X and sent him probably 40 pictures of antelope bucks from my truck seat in the matter of 4 hours. I said, whatca think about area X now? LOL!
Where in WYoming is Area X? Searched OnX extensively and cant find it.
It all depends on the person.

Some guys like to give disinformation and that's fine. They will also cry a river if their unit comes up in someone else's disinformation.

As such, there is little need for forums such as these other than for entertainment and bragging purposes. You can't trust anyone and if they do tell the truth, is it worth a 30 hr drive to get there and find out?
Just for the record, if you ask a question about a unit and I reply via PM I'm not going to lie to you. I may not divulge everything I know but I won't be lying if I choose to help you out. If I don't want to share I'll just keep my mouth shut and won't reply to the question.
Don’t want phony info don’t come on here spewing questions with units, towns, and areas asking for people’s honey holes.
get in your Subaru, tighten up your mtn ops hat and go see for yourself on OTC hunts

I can understand super limited draw tags or once in a lifetime animals or exotics but not OTC hunts anymore
To me it's all pretty cut and dried. Limited units are better, units that take more points and better yet. There is a ton of topo and aerial imagery avaible for free.

There is not an elk unit in Wyoming that doesn't have elk. The best LE units may or may not have an trophy animal just stand on the side of the road waiting for you to get your rifle out. Trust me they are out there, they may just not be where you are looking that day.

To think you will pull a b&c animal out of the woods on your maiden voyage "out west" is unrealistic at best. Not every elk is destined to hang above the exit at cabelas. Most aren't alot of dedicated hunters will never shot one, alot won't even see one.