Disappointed in the NRA convention 2023

I thought everyone in the hunting/shooting community already knew how corrupt the nra has become!!! This is not my opinion but wide spread fact!
It is what you choose to believe.

It was a manufactured hoax to split the membership and the weak ran with it. If we lose gun rights it will be due to this.

GOA isnt a household name NRA is. That’s the only real fact in this conversation.
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I think lobbying in general has somewhat become less powerful. The 1990s were kind of the lobbying heyday and I would guess the NRAs best time as well. Yet the 90s saw the passing of the AWB. It makes me wonder if the NRA hasn't always been something of a paper tiger. I know many, many people that only vote Red because of gun issues but are more liberal with every other issue. But they vote for the R every time because of 2A. I don't think that's going to change and if team Blue wants to ever win in rural America again they need to realize this.
Guns are only part of it.

Gotta keep it non political of post goes poof.
Leadership matters. And WL put his best interest ahead of his organization and ahead of American gun owners. The perception, rightly or wrongly, that he damaged (possibly terminally) the NRA is not going away and that dramatically negates their ability to carry the fight forward

if he truly cared about the organization or the 2A, he would step aside and let an outsider move the organization forward

but right now, the NRA is a wounded duck and it’s probably on a long slide towards oblivion without dramatic changes.

I say this as an NRA life member that will not donate another penny to them. And I’m also guessing this is why a lot of the big outdoor firms will not attend their convention.
And ask yourself this….

Does Swarovski, Remington, vortex etc still attend conventions? SCI, Dallas sci, shot show, Harrisburg, wild sheep?

if they are attending and supporting these conventions but not the NRA, they are telling the NRA that they need to get rid of WL and his cronies.

they need a strong and viable NRA and if the NRA is not going to get itself squared away, they will find somebody else
Are the growing number of companies not attending SHOT going woke? YouTube, social, and forums push more information to the customer than a kid wearing blingy jeans and a flat brim hat sitting in the booth.
I attended the 8.8 hours of the NRA’s continuing legal education seminar for 2A lawyers yesterday across the street from the convention. Excellent speakers, topics, and presentations.

I really liked the courses on post-Bruen litigation and self-defense in the age of riots and public upheaval.

Tasty lunch also. Happy hunting, TheGrayRider.
Glad to see those companies stop supporting NRA. These issues are very complex.

I own several ARs and similar. Not worried.

And not a one issue voter.
Sure SAF has led on lawsuits, and they are very good. I'm sure GOA might eventually have some reach.

But, who does every anti-gun politician target? Yep, the NRA. That should tell you something. Politics are similar ... if I could find a party that I agree with 100%, that would be great. Until then, I support the party that does what I like the most.

But, the NRA does a lot of good things for shooting sports, training, and has a lot of sub organizations including the NRA Foundation.

Finally, if you look into the finances of almost every "non-profit", the higher-ups are paid for by your donations. I'm not saying it is right, but that's reality. For the record, NRA is not a charity or nonprofit.

Our little city was forced to put up some signs because local bubbas couldn’t get it through their heads that even though there is no local LE one still needed to not shoot out the window of the pickup on or across the roads. NRA jumped on probably the most pro 2A and conservative mayor in the state over it. Absolutely no research, just call in the pit bulls.

Those folks can kiss my behind.