Disappointed in the NRA convention 2023

Sure SAF has led on lawsuits, and they are very good. I'm sure GOA might eventually have some reach.

But, who does every anti-gun politician target? Yep, the NRA. That should tell you something. Politics are similar ... if I could find a party that I agree with 100%, that would be great. Until then, I support the party that does what I like the most.

But, the NRA does a lot of good things for shooting sports, training, and has a lot of sub organizations including the NRA Foundation.

Finally, if you look into the finances of almost every "non-profit", the higher-ups are paid for by your donations. I'm not saying it is right, but that's reality. For the record, NRA is not a charity or nonprofit.

That's kind of what I was getting at with my question about who takes the spot of the NRA in lobbying. Lobbying is how each bill is carried through Congress. It's pushed by special interest groups, and pressure is put on lawmakers to take a stand. I'm not thrilled or really disappointed with the NRA. But it seems like they have done their job and good guns laws are being passed in lots of places.

I would gladly support some of the other names thrown in here. I just wonder if they have the juice the NRA has (or had it seems).

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Those of you that still support the NRA, what meaningful legislation have the helped pass or more importantly what nefarious regulations have they stopped?

I’ll even make it easier; in the last 20 years?
It's not that hard to see NRA's impact. The NRA is a big player in helping progun candidates get elected.

But, what do others think? Now, you do the same for the organization you support instead.

The problem is that this discussion is going on in every hunting and shooting web forum in the nation. And just by reading through the replies, it’s pretty clear that many, many, people that have generously donated in the past are now unwilling to do so. lobbying and litigation take really big money and I’m guessing that the nra’s money pipeline is greatly diminished.

what money remains, how much is going to high priced legal firms to fend off the New York legal charges arising from WL’s shenanigans

but unless WL, and his cronies, step aside it sure looks like they will take the ship down with them.

this is a self made tragedy that will impact all of us
NRA sucks. FPC is where your money should go if you want someone fighting for your rights.

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For those that do not support the NRA any longer, who is their replacement?

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FPC!! Plus, their Twitter feed (if you can stand social media) is awesome. You can watch all their lawsuits as they file them.

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Add me to the “growing resent toward the NRA” club. Most of the ranges here require a membership for liability purposes, so I may bite the bullet and sign up w/ the most basic membership I can manage, but I trust others like the FPC or GOA when it comes to defending my rights.
NRA Patron Life here.
Will not “upgrade“ until he is gone. Those assholes on the board know what kind if shitbird he is and still keep him in place. They need to go as well. And I usually vote for anyone other than the sitting members.
I need to join GOA, 2nd amendment foundation and firearms policy coalition.

And can someone tell me why the vice president is the face and and the one running the NRA? Never figured that out
And you all giving the telemarketers hell over Wayne. You realize thats just a paid outfit hired out? They don’t give a shit if you donate or even know who Wayne is.
It's not that hard to see NRA's impact. The NRA is a big player in helping progun candidates get elected.

But, what do others think? Now, you do the same for the organization you support instead.

We will have to disagree. The NRA isn’t even a blip on the radar anymore. The reason I asked is because I can’t think of a single piece of legislation they have helped pass in recent memory. They actually did nothing with bump stocks, and more recently the frame and receiver rule (GOA hammered with lawsuits on this one) and the pistol brace rule; again GOA, 2AF and FPC have been leading the way on these.

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We will have to disagree. The NRA isn’t even a blip on the radar anymore. The reason I asked is because I can’t think of a single piece of legislation they have helped pass in recent memory. They actually did nothing with bump stocks, and more recently the frame and receiver rule (GOA hammered with lawsuits on this one) and the pistol brace rule; again GOA, 2AF and FPC have been leading the way on these.

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Most of the articles you linked above are very old and/or publishedby very liberal sites. Of course they are going to speak unfavorably of the NRA.

And I notice you didn’t answer my question.

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Most of the articles you linked above are very old and/or publishedby very liberal sites. Of course they are going to speak unfavorably of the NRA.

And I notice you didn’t answer my question.

Seemed like a rhetorical question to me. You can go to the NRA-ILA and take a look if you really care.

Of course, my post was that all of the anti-gun groups fear the NRA and describe why the NRA is powerful. Meanwhile, people like you say they don't do anything. They could all be wrong, or you could be. Both of you can't be completely right. NRA doesn't do everything I want either.

Btw, SAF is the Second Amendment Foundation (not 2AF) and really does consistly file lawsuits. Fwiw, I just looked at the GOA website for what they say are their accomplishments for their latest 2021. It seems GOA (primarily a lobbyist organization) want to take credit for every bill that goes the gun owners way like the NRA doesn't have any lobbyists. Likewise, they take credit for lawsuits because they filed an Amicus brief. I'm not saying that hurts anything either, but they aren't the only gun organization involved with bills and lawsuits.

GOA is not a replacement for the NRA and SAF doesn't try to be. At the end of the day, I don't mind having all three organizations. They do things differently, and all help pro-gun activities for the most part. Give money to the one you agree with or two of them or all three of them.
The NRA is still a thing? Who knew. I do still get their magazine I throw in the garbage every month.
It is what you choose to believe.

It was a manufactured hoax to split the membership and the weak ran with it. If we lose gun rights it will be due to this.

GOA isnt a household name NRA is. That’s the only real fact in this conversation.
No, it wasn't.
We will have to disagree. The NRA isn’t even a blip on the radar anymore. The reason I asked is because I can’t think of a single piece of legislation they have helped pass in recent memory. They actually did nothing with bump stocks, and more recently the frame and receiver rule (GOA hammered with lawsuits on this one) and the pistol brace rule; again GOA, 2AF and FPC have been leading the way on these.

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Worse than that, they told Trump to push for it.

I used to make quarterly donations to the ILA, and sent them a check on 10/2/17. On 10/5/17, I stopped payment on the check, then ordered tar and feathers from Amazon delivered to WLP and CC.

FTR, I'm a Benefactor Life member, and have bought Life memberships for my wife, son, daughter, and daughter-in-law.
Ive been going to the conventions for the last ten years but this years im noticing alot of big names absent form the show.
Remington arms
Has anyone herd why any of these companies arent here or noticed other companies absent. The show itself seemed more crowded than past fridays.
Im still glad i came up to see it but i hate seeing alot of big names gone.
What were your thoughts
Distancing themselves from the scandals and crooked Wayne.