Denali National Park bridge crew ordered to stop flying American flags

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First story on Fox
Except this story doesn’t have any new factual information. It just reports the initial report. If this did happen, there will be written documents available through a FOIA request.
Admittedly, I did not look any further into this than face value. I also did not consider proper display regulations.

However, I take the social media screenshot posted previously as an indication that they have gotten significant feedback on this topic. I also believe that all likelihood suggests that the construction crew was told, off the record, to remove their flags. That message reads like damage control to my eyes.

Thanks to everyone that has communicated their concerns to the NPS!
I’ve done plenty of construction contract work for NPS and live in NP gateway community. I am often critical of this park. Be that as it may, I would be surprised if the Park Superintendent contacted the contractor’s onsite representative about flying a flag. Generally that is not the pecking order. Not to say something didn’t happen but this particular account has a serious whiff of bullshit. Hating on National Parks is a favorite Alaska pastime.
What a crock. Eielson visitor center is nowhere near Denali. Ai is a wonderful tool for the clueless idiots. Also tired of the people who display their flags without proper lighting at night and all the other etiquette. If you can't display correctly, then don't do it.
What a crock. Eielson visitor center is nowhere near Denali. Ai is a wonderful tool for the clueless idiots. Also tired of the people who display their flags without proper lighting at night and all the other etiquette. If you can't display correctly, then don't do it.

Are you thinking of Eielson AFB? The Eielson visitor center in the park is at mile 66 of the park road about 30 miles from the summit of Denali. That photo sure looks like the view from there (on a clear day at least).
I’ve done plenty of construction contract work for NPS and live in NP gateway community. I am often critical of this park. Be that as it may, I would be surprised if the Park Superintendent contacted the contractor’s onsite representative about flying a flag. Generally that is not the pecking order. Not to say something didn’t happen but this particular account has a serious whiff of bullshit. Hating on National Parks is a favorite Alaska pastime.
A bunch of MAGA dorks made a truck convoy out there today to fly the flag. Sort of funny. Since it seems like the story isn’t actually true.
Flying the flag from vehicles is disrespectful to the flag. People can do what they want on there own because of free speech and all, but US Code title 4 defines how the flag should be handled and until June 21st, 1989 flying it from a vehicle improperly could get you prosecuted, then the Supreme Court decided burning it was ok due to free speech, which is why people can fly tattered flags from there vehicle without showing the flag a shred of respect (making sure it does not touch anything below it, taking it down at night unless it stays illuminated, Etc).

Personally, I would be fine if Title 4 became enforceable law again (along with the Stolen Valor Act of 2005). I'm fine with those working for the Federal Government having to show proper respect to the flag.
Why do people put up with this nonsense? Do it anyway. Conservatives are a bunch of cowards.
Looks like she banned the workers from displaying flags while driving through the park to the construction site, but not at the construction site itself as that is not currently under her authority.

So the NPS response that flags were not banned at the construction site is accurate but misleading as that wasn't the issue.

Well looky here. The little sisters of the right have got their panties in a bunch over something that didn't happen. But they want to believe so bad. Was reported by an anonymous source from a blog that noone had heard of before and just made a name for itself. Brilliant marketing. It contains the buzzwords flag and Portland. You know that word Porland triggers(yes triggers) the far righties. What a bunch of snowflakes I tell ya. Out to cancel the lady over something that didn't happen. Cancel culture much? Oh wait that's only something that the left does.

The problem in this country is the sane people in the middle aren't vocal like the far righties and lefties. So everyone thinks the other side is crazy when in reality most of us have a good head on our shoulders.

Now carry on with you disinformation.
I don't see anything in the messaging from the NPS regarding regulations for proper display of the flag. I also am not sure whether most flags meet proper display regulations.
@2ski do you have information that this didn't happen?

The article in the post immediately above yours has additional details that the first did not. Based on your response, I would guess that you probably didn't read that one either.
Well looky here. The little sisters of the right have got their panties in a bunch over something that didn't happen. But they want to believe so bad. Was reported by an anonymous source from a blog that noone had heard of before and just made a name for itself. Brilliant marketing. It contains the buzzwords flag and Portland. You know that word Porland triggers(yes triggers) the far righties. What a bunch of snowflakes I tell ya. Out to cancel the lady over something that didn't happen. Cancel culture much? Oh wait that's only something that the left does.

The problem in this country is the sane people in the middle aren't vocal like the far righties and lefties. So everyone thinks the other side is crazy when in reality most of us have a good head on our shoulders.

Now carry on with you disinformation.

While I do sit back and watch anything that comes out of the media, at least the “right” is getting upset about legitimate stuff rather than woke nonsense of misgendering someone or what not.

But I do agree in the sense that people jump to conclusions without fully finding out what the real story may or may not be.

That’s what the media does; hypes people up while skirting the lines of truth.

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@2ski do you have information that this didn't happen?

The article in the post immediately above yours has additional details that the first did not. Based on your response, I would guess that you probably didn't read that one either.
Of course it happened. Libtard superintendent is just smart enough to make sure nothing was in writing and likely had one of her minions communicate her sad order in person.
@2ski do you have information that this didn't happen?
The article in the post immediately above yours has additional details that the first did not. Based on your response, I would guess that you probably didn't read that one either.

That’s not how this works dude. You don’t make wild accusations then have someone else prove it didn’t happen. This dorks blog got national attention now he’s back tracking. He claimed they were ordered to stop flying the flag. Now it’s we were ordered to stop flying the flag on our drive into the site.
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