Defund the Police?

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Aug 10, 2019
Lowcountry, SC
You have to be literally stupid or too lazy to spend 60 seconds on Google to understand why defunding police is a terrible idea.

Imagine 2500% more murders. That's what you get when you don't have state enforced rule-of-law. To put this in perspective, imagine instituting a traffic law that would change the automobile death rate from 36560 a year to 914,000 a year.

It's easy to promote defunding the police right up to the point when the mob hits you with a hammer and rapes your wife and daughters.


Mar 31, 2014
It’s simply pandering. If crime shows up at the door of the powers that be, they’ll think otherwise.

Exploitation of people suffering continues....


Nov 12, 2016
In the mountains
You are shifting the meaning. I never said "unlawfully" and as anyone who follows the legal system knows "lawful" is largely subject to the interpretation of a judge informed by both statutes and case law.

What the ATF did to Randy Weaver was not unlawful, but it was wrong. What they did at Waco, TX also was never found to be unlawful. Nor was Operation Fast and Furious under Obama ever found to be unlawful. Nor was Hillary's use of a private email server. Nor was anything surrounding Benghazi. I guess you strongly support all those as well.

Yesterday, the AG, William Barr, confirmed that the decision had been made to move the perimeter one block further from the White House as a result of the violence that occurred including burning the Church and throwing rocks and bottles.

There was no correlation between Trump's walk to the church and the decision to move perimeter out one block including everyone in it whether they liked it or not.


Jan 12, 2015
I agree they aren’t eliminating but most departments are understaffed and budgeted as it is now.

Understaffed maybe but the budgets are crazy, crazy high in major cities. The property taxes in my neighborhood for a single family home START above 30k a year. There are times that there are no cops available to answer 911 calls. The budget for Chicago PD for 2020 is 1.8 Billion (with a B) give or take. There are 13,500 employees. Do the math and just imagine what sort of inefficient bullshit is going on with all that money. The budget for Chicago Public schools is 125 million (with an M), by the way, maybe if all these kids were getting awesome educations and there were great after school extracurricular activities after school there wouldn’t be a need for a 1.8 BILLION dollar budget for cops. Defund the Police sounds a lot more radical than it is.

I’m not going to check on other big cities but I bet that ratio of spending is common. We also shuttered most of the mental health facilities due to budget cuts...

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Mar 31, 2014
So defund police departments, then crime “supposedly” increases. What’s next? Federal police department?

Find me a “D” that wouldn’t love that. Kinda like the TSA.


Classified Approved
Jun 27, 2014
I’m a white male who has been surely treated as I had slaves and ate their ******* children. This shit has to stop. To All of my Black friends that know me, I’m sorry I feel this way. But help change the perspective so we can all get the **** along.
What about all the men and women of different color skin that have fought side by side in wars against oppression in other countries ? This drives a wedge between them. Don’t let the narrative of these actions of a few tarnish the history of us all together.
It’s not my intent to put down any one faction of the actions of the past few weeks, but to explain I’m not going to let you oppress my life.

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Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
So defund police departments, then crime “supposedly” increases. What’s next? Federal police department?

Find me a “D” that wouldn’t love that. Kinda like the TSA.
Kind of a conundrum. Defund the police also defund their labor union.

Which is of course a factor in how a guy with more than 10 previous complaints is still on the job in a situation where he can needlessly kneel on a guys neck........

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Aug 10, 2019
Lowcountry, SC
If I wasn’t a racist before all of this , I damn sure am now. I’m a white male who has been surely treated as I had slaves and ate their ******* children. This shit has to stop. To All of my Black friends that know me, I’m sorry I feel this way. But help change the perspective so we can all get the **** along.
What about all the men and women of different color skin that have fought side by side in wars against oppression in other countries ? This drives a wedge between them. Don’t let the narrative of these actions of a few tarnish the history of us all together.
It’s not my intent to put down any one faction of the actions of the past few weeks, but to explain I’m not going to let you oppress my life.

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Interesting. I live in the deep South and nobody has treated me any differently. In fact, other it being in the news, I haven't experienced any part of the shit show.


Jun 12, 2019
You are shifting the meaning. I never said "unlawfully" and as anyone who follows the legal system knows "lawful" is largely subject to the interpretation of a judge informed by both statutes and case law.

What the ATF did to Randy Weaver was not unlawful, but it was wrong. What they did at Waco, TX also was never found to be unlawful. Nor was Operation Fast and Furious under Obama ever found to be unlawful. Nor was Hillary's use of a private email server. Nor was anything surrounding Benghazi. I guess you strongly support all those as well.

Your examples are slightly flawed....what is actually unlawful and "found" to be unlawful is 2 different things. The "peaceful" protesters in Washington is a blurry subject...I watched video where protesters started throwing frozen water bottles, bricks, and other items at police...then the police started pushing the crowd back with force. Funny thing you can read a bunch of articles where they say it was a staged photo op and even one of the lead clergy in the church says he didn't even stop and pray. Weird then a picture comes out of him praying in the church....what to believe?


May 6, 2019
The rich will now need extra protection and will hire the former officers and pay them far more than they were earning so it will work out for both of them...good luck everybody else...
Dec 6, 2019
Southern OK
Let me first say that I don't take issue with the individuals that are cops......its the badge and what it turns them into that I wont tolerate. I'm sure I will catch some heat for this, but I have absolutely no use for cops. You can come at me from every angle with every question/scenario you can dream up and you wont change my mind. If I am ever in any danger, or those close to me are, the last thing I'm ever going to do is call a cop.

Cops now days have this mentality that a citizen, criminal or not, will comply with them or else. Its all ego. All a pissing contest. Not every citizen is going to just comply. Some are going to take action and stand up for themselves. Some dumbass punk that was flipping burgers 6 months ago at McD's gets to put on a badge and gun now and tell me I will comply OR ELSE.......yeah I don't think so buddy. Yes, I have an extreme issue with authority. However I am also a very law abiding citizen. I stay in my lane and keep to myself and I'm not going to be f**cked with by some ego maniac with a badge.

Let me end this by saying that although I do not have a use for cops and zero love for LE in general, there have been 2 occasions in the last 4 years that I encountered situations where an officer needed help before backup had a chance to arrive. Both instances involved me drawing, but not firing a weapon. I never had to even think about helping either officer. It was just an instant reaction. I would do it again without hesitation. I would never stand by and watch my fellow man get hurt/killed by a criminal. I don't hate the individual.....I just hate how most of them think/act due to the badge.


Mar 31, 2014
Well Antifa is testing it all out in Seattle right now. Looks like the Mayor gave them 6 blocks or so.

Yet everyone hates the south. Funny.


May 15, 2018
Oregon coast
They just canceled the show Cops. A show that’s been on for 25 years.
Didn’t show the African American community in a positive way.
Take that how you like, but I know exactly how to take that.


Mar 31, 2014
They just canceled the show Cops. A show that’s been on for 25 years.
Didn’t show the African American community in a positive way.
Take that how you like, but I know exactly how to take that.

You mean the network stopped exploiting people? Now get rid of the midday talk shows that do the same.
Jan 21, 2020
I feel like it's only a few that are causing 90% of the damage.
I also feel like you should always support those that are willing to put their life on the line for you.
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