The problem is anyone under about 35 has no idea about how we got here or what problems have been solved. The 1994 crime bill is demonized. Younger people have no sense of the issues that brought the 1994 crime bill into being. The problems that broken windows policing solved. I remember most cities having tremendous problems with all types of crime. Bars on widows and doors in most working class neighborhoods. Starting in the early eighties laws started getting much tougher with longer and longer sentences. The height of this trend was the ‘94 crime bill. We put millions in jail for decades. And it worked ! Crime fell like off a cliff. Crime is nothing like when I was young. Now the pendulum is swinging back hard and the crime wave will follow. Already cities are burning and when middle Americans no longer feel safe the pendulum will swing back. People who don’t learn history are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. Those most able will flee and take their industry and dollars with them. Liberal run big cities which have enjoyed a renaissance since the streets were made safe in the late nineties will again fall into hard decline. Places like Minneapolis and Seattle will develop huge no go zones where criminals rule. Their finances will crumble as the wealthy and upper middle class flee. Detroit and Flint are the future of Minneapolis. Crime has returned to Times Square and all the nice stores will soon close.