I’ve been doing a of thinking about my passion for the outdoors-
Whether it be Fly fishing and the long nights tying flies for a trip out west or an early morning drive through a foggy Ohio river bottom on my way to the public land set I hung the week prior.
I often have other thoughts as well, like about the Sako Bavarian Carbine in .308 with S&B Zenith on top ($5k) that I’ve wanted to purchase for months, or the new Carbon fiber Tree steps ($300) or the Sitka outfit ($1k) or the new fly rod set-up ($1k) or the new Meateater knife($300), or Tying vice ($300), or new bow ($1k). Don’t even get me started on the lifted and capped Tundra limited I’ve been eyeing.
The thing is, I can easily “afford” all of these, in fact I could go and buy all of these items and far more by the end of day tomorrow. Now could I pay cash for everything? NO, I could not.
As a new father to a little girl and with twins on the way, I’ve recently been convicted of all the money I spend annually on these things I “need”. I’ve started listening to guys like Dave Ramsey and got intentional about my spending and finances.
This past week my wife and I paid off all of our debt except our Rent (College loans, CCs, Cars =$60,000) and I have never felt better. I don’t drive a lifted tundra anymore, and I feel funny picking up my hunting buddies in my old Honda Odyssey.
But I feel so FREE. There are savings in the bank, and I don’t owe anyone anything, my wife can be a STAHM with our growing family, and we can go anywhere!
If I can do this, as a 31 year old crazy gear guy who spends money like its going out of style, anyone can. In a world where you can finance your first lite underwear, it feels good to be different. I’m not judging anyone who buys stuff on credit, its not wrong. I personally needed to get to this place.
What are your thoughts on Debt? I often wonder if our specific demographic (avid hunters)carries more debt than the average person in our age group due to our insatiable hunger to be out there, getting it done and being successful. I also know some hunters who are the most frugal guys out there.
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