Dead predator pics


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Jun 25, 2021
Been trying to kill one without dogs for close to 9-10 years. Spent a ton of time following tracks and calling over the years.
Never had a lion come in (that I saw.)

Finally happened when I was looking for a bear. For the first time in a while I got time to hunt close to home with the leafs changing.

While I was glassing for bears I saw a couple ravens in a tree a few miles off that didn't seem like they wanted to leave. Didn't think much of it, but took note.

After not seeing much, I decided to hike a few miles in to call if I could find any sign.

I moved spots to get a better access to where I used to find bears and then started working my way in.
As I came up on the other side of where I had glassed those ravens I saw some vultures moving in.
I decided to climb the ridge into the thick brush to see if there was bear sign on whatever was dead.

I found a lion killed deer.
There wasn't any bear sign and the kill was from the night before. The deer looked jammed into deadfall and I think the cat couldn't get it unstuck. So it tried it's best to bury it with sticks.

It only had eaten the neck meat and some rib meat. It hadn't gotten into the organs at all and looked like it planned on going back.

Fortunately there was a little ridge not far off with a decent vantage point looking into where the kill was.

I went to it and waited for the lion to come back.

I didn't believe it would return in the daylight, but as luck would have it... It did.

Lost in my own mind looking at the leafs and just appreciating the opportunity to be out near my home during the fall. I saw a bird spook off a branch by the carcass.
It got my focus again, then the lion climbed onto deadfall about 20 yards from the carcass.

Really couldn't believe my eyes. Lifted my trekking pole with a shooting yoke on it and put the Tikka on it. Peered through the scope and steadied the cross hairs on its shoulder.
Squeezed the trigger... Click.
I forgot to chamber a round. 😂

Got a pretty good hit of adrenaline after the click. The lion looked towards me as I cycled the bolt.
I just whispered to myself "don't f this up." Then repeated the same sequence as earlier.

Recoil didn't let me see my shot. And the lion wasn't there anymore. It felt good though.

I waited about 30-40 minutes then walked through the thick brush to find it. Luckily it was somewhat open around the carcass.

The lion was piled on the deadfall right below where it was standing.
Thanks for sharing this with us. You are very fortunate he did not run off after the click!
Nov 8, 2016
Kiowa/Deer Trail, CO


Jan 15, 2013
United States
Went to my college stomping grounds to see if there were any mule deer left. About 20% of what I chased in the good Ole days. I quickly discovered why, seeing 3 of these in a single canyon. 1 tag meant I could only take one.