Damnit! 1st Aid anyone?


Mar 1, 2012
You’re 25 miles from the nearest town and your buddy was skinning his deer and the fillet knife slipped.

In and out wound.

What’s the next move?

Don't use peroxide.

Alcohol poured or wiped on with sterile gauze.

No pulse evident in the bleeding? Loss of sensation?

Either way probably should get it stitched up and cleaned. Probably some antibiotics.
First, grab the most accessible absorbant item and have the patient hold direct pressure while sitting down. Grab z gauze out of first aid kit and begin packing the wound with the patient acting as assistant. I would have the patient find a tourniquet while I'm packing the wound to have on standby in case the bleeding does not cease. Clean wound and bandage after stopping the bleeding.

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More to the story -

The ‘Buddy’ was my son. We were at my Wyo cabin early Nov.

I wasn’t very happy. 😡

It’s interesting to read the replies.
I’ll post more about it later

Stop the bleeding. With pressure then use super glue...I have quit paying for stitches...
Agreed, that looks like an easy superglue special if I’ve ever seen one. But a “dirty” knife from skinning plunging into you is probably asking for an infection, best to head to the hospital at least at some point. Super glue special if it was a “clean” knife.

When I was probably 15 I was doing something stupid with a hatchet trying to carve something. Whoops, right in the shin just about to the bone. It hurt like a SOB and it was a big, deep, gnarly gash. Dad was not impressed and said “I’m not paying for the emergency room (again, I was the kid breaking stuff all the time), either I give you stitches myself or you FITFO and I’m not all that good at sewing”

I figured it out alright, with super glue. Still have the scar. Dad is a funny dude. When I came out of the bloodbath of a bathroom with my leg glued shut and limped back to my stupid project his jaw hit the floor. He was getting ready to take me to the hospital, never went. That was the day I realized I could at least play a doctor on TV.
Looks like two holes? Definitely wash and try to put some kind of disinfectant on it. Apply some kind of pressure bandage. Get help. If it went in and down then poked out again then it will need more extensive cleaning down inside the wound channel.
One important comment that I see many people get wrong with wilderness/backcountry medicine: DO NOT CLOSE DIRTY WOUNDS.

That means any cut, scrape, puncture that wasn’t caused by a clean object should be left open until you have a chance to thoroughly wash and irrigate the wound. if you close a wound before it is clean, you create a perfect environment for a bacterial infection and likely an abscess, whereas leaving it open allows any potential infection to drain and prevents abscess formation.
How far away from the nearest medical facility is your cabin? I'd recommend stopping bleeding and cleaning to the best of your abilities. Get him to a healthcare professional for further cleaning and closure and likely some po abx prophylactically.