Today at 6:42 AM #41 eaglemountainman WKR Joined Jun 23, 2019 Messages 1,340 Location Florida,Dwneast Me,Catskills Grohmann #1 The Canadian boot knife is a very versatile design. From field dressing, to quartering, to processing back at camp or kitchen.
Grohmann #1 The Canadian boot knife is a very versatile design. From field dressing, to quartering, to processing back at camp or kitchen.
Today at 8:03 AM #42 T Thinkingman WKR Joined Dec 27, 2015 Messages 1,030 dirtshooter said: That Iron Will knife looks slick. Click to expand... Immediate DQ due to the slick, skinny handle. When you have cold, bloody hands, a practical knife is pretty important. I would and have added the Victorinox 6" boning knife to my field kit. Commercial cutters know what they need.
dirtshooter said: That Iron Will knife looks slick. Click to expand... Immediate DQ due to the slick, skinny handle. When you have cold, bloody hands, a practical knife is pretty important. I would and have added the Victorinox 6" boning knife to my field kit. Commercial cutters know what they need.