Cutting Edge 132 gr maximus for 7 Rem Mag

Sep 2, 2022
Hey there folks,

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I just ordered some 132 gr cutting edge Maximus FCG for my 7mm rem mag, can't beat that black Friday deal, 20% off and free shipping.

I have been handloading 160 gr Federal fusions over H1000, accuracy is just under MOA and thats plenty for me.

I have been wanting to try out some other bullets for some time. With the introduction of the new tipped fusion line, I can't find the 160 gr "OG" fusions. Couple that with the above mentioned black Friday deal and here I am.

Long story short is, I can't find any sort of load data for using H1000 and a lighter bullet. I have never loaded mono metals. Powder of any kind is hard to find locally here. I also haven't seen anyone posting about the 132 gr maximus for 7 rem mag either. Does anyone have first hand experience loading these and have any recommendations?

I am thinking of H4350 which might me locally available or ramshot hunter or magnum bought online.

Rifle is a stock Rem 700 stainless sps, 1:9.25" twist in a 26" barrel. Based on everything I have seen the 132 should stabilize (min required is 1:10") but the 152's would not (min required is 1:9").

Apologies if this has been covered already and I was unable to find it. If it has been covered, I would appreciate if you could point me to it.
I did, they sent me the quick load output for it. Just scored some ramshot magnum for $30/# on midway. I'm going to give that a shot. Gonna back off 5% of the quick load max recipe.

I would appreciate any input or reviews of the 7mm 132 gr maximus rounds, I haven't found much for the 132's.
I have been handloading 160 gr Federal fusions over H1000, accuracy is just under MOA and thats plenty for me.

I have been wanting to try out some other bullets for some time. With the introduction of the new tipped fusion line, I can't find the 160 gr "OG" fusions.
Are these the ones you’re talking about? I got a bunch if so.

Those are the ones, I have a box and some left. I like them but I've also been thinking of going monolithic. I sent federal an email to see if they were going to offer the tipped fusions as a component and they never responded. How much do you have and how much you asking for them?
Not holding ya back from monos, just noted you said you couldn’t find them.

I have over a thousand bulk packed I believe. Dunno the going rate, $.30ea + shipping?
I can speak to the performance of the 132gr Maximus. Very good and very predictable. I've shot them from a .284 and 7X57 at about 2900fps from each. Only whitetails, but they do what they state. Impact, frag the front section, and either exit, or the base is against the hide on the far side.

Impacts in my case have been from almost at the muzzle to 300 yards. Same performance at all distances. Would expect them to work fine up to roughly 500 yards, then they'll be running out of steam.

I don't have any photos, but trauma to the lungs has been about the same as the 140gr Nosler BT or 160gr Partition that I also use in these rifles. Trauma to the front shoulders has been lower. The cup and core bullets seem to do more damage to the off side shoulder if hit.
