Custom mini Canadian belt knife

Trying to utilize the full edge of the blade I'll use the heel end of the blade right where a guard might be to hit the connective tissue in the knee joints. Guards can get in the way for that use. Yes you still might have to use the tip in there a bit but the heel will get most of it. Saves the rest of the blade for other uses. Just another trick to keep your total edge going longer (carefully using each section of blade for certain uses while skinning and breaking down animals). A #60 scalpel blade shape at the heel works great for this and I can see where the CBK should be good.
This comment got me thinking about how I work around knee joints, I think I use the middle to rear 1/3 of the blade to cut the connective tissue. I too, tend to save the front 1/3 of the blade for finer tasks. I'm really thinking about making myself a CBK and seeing how it performs. I'm growing increasingly curious as this thread progresses. Not sure I'm totally sold on the blade/handle angle I may have to pick up a cheapie and test it out before I commit to an updated design of my own.
Ryan Lampers posted this one today. Looks like it was modeled off a cbk.
Looks ok, I don’t think the blade handle relationship is too far off. That ricasso is huge though, and an abomination lol
I'm all about using the smallest blade I can get away with. That may be why I've never really tackled a Nessmuk. It just seems too big for my uses.

I've recently become interested in more traditional hunting patterns. I really like the CBK, skipped over the Nessmuk. I just made a Sharpfinger inspired knife. Haven't gotten to test it on any game, so I don't know how it performs. It seems to follow the same philosophy as the CBK and Nessmuk, lots of belly, offset handle etc.

CBK on the left, Sharpfinger third from the left in the photo. I think I need to add a little more belly on future blades

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Dude these look awesome. That sharp finger pattern might be one of my favorites I’ve seen. Here’s a bird and trout I came up with the other day. Would probably also make a good back country boning knife.

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To further explain my guard comment. I always liken cutting up game (on the ground) to cutting on a kitchen board. Obviously it’s not the same and exaggerated, but it’s just mostly to get the point across of having full access to the edge, if that makes sense.

First off, that bird and trout you posted earlier is sweet! I really like how you drop the point down at the very tip. It makes a more useable and sturdy/stable tip.

The photo illustration is very helpful. I really want to make a guardless knife and run it for awhile.
First off, that bird and trout you posted earlier is sweet! I really like how you drop the point down at the very tip. It makes a more useable and sturdy/stable tip.

The photo illustration is very helpful. I really want to make a guardless knife and run it for awhile.
I have thought so as well, I think leaving a very small area of ricasso allows hair and hide to just slide off of it nicely. You’re probably already aware but sharpening choils are terrible, and that jagged edge catches hair and hide and stuff. Some makers will take a small wheel to that area to make a knife guardless (see photo), but I worry even that edge will snag stuff. A big reason behind it is because people want to have a perfectly uniform sharpening area, mostly the edc crowd. To me it’s a made up problem and it doesn’t matter if .25 of a millimeter isn’t sharpened by the ricasso. Also, it can be difficult to get the same grind thickness at the ricasso, but usually I can get it pretty close. You guys probably already know all this, though.
I have thought so as well, I think leaving a very small area of ricasso allows hair and hide to just slide off of it nicely. You’re probably already aware but sharpening choils are terrible, and that jagged edge catches hair and hide and stuff. Some makers will take a small wheel to that area to make a knife guardless (see photo), but I worry even that edge will snag stuff. A big reason behind it is because people want to have a perfectly uniform sharpening area, mostly the edc crowd. To me it’s a made up problem and it doesn’t matter if .25 of a millimeter isn’t sharpened by the ricasso. Also, it can be difficult to get the same grind thickness at the ricasso, but usually I can get it pretty close. You guys probably already know all this, though.
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I do that same cut on kitchen knives…but never use them like my hunting knives .
With the KOA copy @feanor made me, I hold it with the blade on the pinky side rather than the thumb side mainly. I find it lets me use the full edge and is more natural to push with my palm down and elbow out rather than palm up and elbow in.
Showing us all up over here with this stuff
No I’ve been Inspired by seeing the other knives on here…I have a touch of OCD and have a problem staying on track.
I have several knives post HT and moved on to a different versions.
Likely someday I will find a few that I like.
Mostly I see something and might have several in the hopper, then I redirect and move on. I likely have 30 knives post HT and moved then moved on to something else.
Does the leather pick up grit and grime over time? I assume it takes a little extra care after each use.
No not really…I treat it with a wax/ grease mixture and burnish it. Got a 30 year old old k-bar I used in the Corps and it’s still in usable condition and I really haven’t did anything to it. They get better with time.
Sometimes I do an antler/ Leather mix for something different .
Dixie those are great looking. I think that within reason the different angles handles will all work well with minor changes in hand movement on your part. I wish I had some insight for you beyond the Cold Steel CBK and my experiences with it. Thanks all for the thoughts on knife usage. Next year I'm real keen to try to use different parts of the blade for different tasks. I think that makes a ton of sense.