I also had not gone through all of them. I had actually looked more closely at deer vs. elk cause I thought I may be affected. Turns out none of the deer hunts on my possible list meet the criteria for the change. For elk I'm not even close to any unit that could change.
The link put up by @cnelk is a good one. Looking at it in more depth now.
That's kind of why I asked who knew the hunt codes that were involved. My unfounded impression is that people were feeling negative assuming their 2023/2024 goal hunt code (or all codes) were changed.
The link he posted is from a few years ago, so one needs to look at 2021, 2020, and 2019 preference points. It very well could be the same as that map in his link for the 2021 draw.
I might sit down today and make a spreadsheet if I don't find something more entertaining for nap time. I mainly want to see if my .5-.1% guess was close.
The bigger excitement would be to learn if the same change of data set years will apply to the hybrid draw. That would offer NR and R more "quality" opportunity while they bank points.
The fact that so many hybrid draw hunt codes are on the list but cannot be drawn via the hybrid draw is great evidence that the data set years needed to be updated.
@cnelk do you know if the hybrid draw will see the same updated data set years?
Absolutely it is a different perspective, and my point is that it seems to float around depending on how someone wants to skew and manipulate the information.It is really just a diff perspective.
The same principal would be like if someone drew a deer/elk license and then got an "add on OTC" bear license (which requires the person to have the elk/deer license first) and then sees it as a free deer/elk license and a $1k bear license because they reassigned the cost in their mind.