Covid Booster

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May 11, 2020
Has anyone had their covid booster? If so, how did it compare to 1st and 2nd vaccine dose?
Not my intention to stir the pot, just asking a simple question for those who have had it. Asking for a friend.
My wife got it, she was pretty sick the day after her second shot (moderna) and was probably 1/4th that sick from the booster. She had cold sweats and felt weak but was up and normal by about dinner time.
Arm was sore, otherwise I didn't notice jack shit. 1st shot I was pretty sick for 12 hours, second one I had nothing and really nothing with the booster.
Got booster 3 weeks ago. No effects at all. The 2nd dose knocked me on my ass for a day with chills, fever etc.
My wife and parents all got the Pfizer vaccine and booster. No side effects but soreness at injection site for all 3 doses. They want me to get the booster but i havent yet, i really dont care either way. I was fine after both my vaccine doses. I fully expect this thread to turn into another dumpster fire lol, good luck to your friend
Serious question, which part of the booster is "mother nature"?
Mother Nature is responsible for the virus not the booster. The booster Effects came on about six hours after booster and latest about 16 hours, hours 10 thru 14 real bad.
The local “government” where I live said that people who got vaccinated wouldn’t need to quarantine or wear masks….so I got vaccinated….then they made us all wear masks and quarantine. Based on their past record of lies, tricks and general fuckery I won’t be getting any boosters.
Booster was the same as the second dose for me. Pfizer. Fever, chills, body aches and very weak. Lasted about 16 hours
No problems with any of my Pfizer vaccines but wife was achy and tired the next day
I got my initial vaccination November last year Via contracting Covid. Was tired, lost taste and smell, but still hunted duck and geese almost every day. Recently got my booster via the delta variant. Thought it was just the sniffles until I lost my taste and smell again. It seems my antibodies did the trick quite well while everyone is being a test subject.

I wish we could turn back the clock to when Americans didn’t call a vaccine a “jab” like those effeminate Europeans.
Just got the Pfizer booster last week.

Had a sore arm with the first shot, nothing at all with the second.

The booster gave me a real bad headache for 2 days straight and had the scoots a bit the day after. I wasn’t convinced I really wanted/needed the booster but finally decided to get it due to family situation.
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