Covid Booster

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After I didn't get the initial shot, I felt 100%. A couple weeks later, I went and didn't get the second shot -- still good to go. However, soon after not getting the booster, I came down with COVID. I had the forbidden therapeutics on hand, which I took at the first indication of symptoms. I felt lousy for approximately 36 hours -- though my arm wasn't sore at all -- then I was good to go after that. Nevertheless, I plan to not get the next shot at the first available opportunity.
2 folks i work w said sore but not bad.

I havent done vaxx 1, so far so good. All i seem to do is work or hunt w other loners.
I went back and forth on getting the booster but did last week. Moderna. My second shot kicked my ass, but I also drank beer with friends til about 11:00 that night then woke up at 5AM and went Turkey hunting. So take that with a grain of salt. The booster was easily as bad or worse. Sore, chills, clammy, tired. I slept in and didn’t feel halfway normal til later afternoon that following day.

That’s the last one I’m getting. I’m sure Sigma and Omega are coming but I’ll likely take my chances there.
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I don’t know why people can’t say “I decided not to get the vaccine” instead of taking the time to be a giant asshole. People crack me up.
Some of us (huge percentage of the country) may be getting fired unless we take the vaccine. The vaccine does not stop us from contracting or spreading covid. The vaccine is supposed to stop us from being hospitalized but Christ, most working aged people aren't going to get sick anyway. Proven myocarditis in males under 40 due to vaccines.
Sound fishy now?
Some of us (huge percentage of the country) may be getting fired unless we take the vaccine. The vaccine does not stop us from contracting or spreading covid. The vaccine is supposed to stop us from being hospitalized but Christ, most working aged people aren't going to get sick anyway. Proven myocarditis in males under 40 due to vaccines.
Sound fishy now?
Exactly, good friend of mine died of a heart attack two weeks after getting the vaccine, he was 41 and healthy. He was playing with his son when he died. I am cool with those that choose to get vaccinated and those who choose not to, I am not cool with tyrants telling me what to do. We also had two friends die of Covid, they were neither young nor healthy. One was fully vaccinated and the other wasn’t. One of them was my dads best friend and I knew him my whole life. This virus sucks but adding tyranny on top of it sucks even more.
The local “government” where I live said that people who got vaccinated wouldn’t need to quarantine or wear masks….so I got vaccinated….then they made us all wear masks and quarantine. Based on their past record of lies, tricks and general fuckery I won’t be getting any boosters.
"Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me." (y)
No reaction at all to the Pfizer booster.

The reactions - or lack thereof - confuse me...

Does no reaction mean your body was plenty primed with antibodies or T- cell immunity and the booster was not really necessary, or does a reaction mean the same?

I have yet to fully understand the incredible variability of the entire covid thing.
The reactions - or lack thereof - confuse me...

Does no reaction mean your body was plenty primed with antibodies or T- cell immunity and the booster was not really necessary, or does a reaction mean the same?

I have yet to fully understand the incredible variability of the entire covid thing.
Good point. Would be interesting to know
A great cure for rona is to turn the damn news off!
This shit isn’t going anywhere and if people want a jab in the arm go for it, your decision, not mine. But please, please stop shaming those of us who just want to be left the **** alone and don’t believe the sky is falling.
Sore arm for about 24 hours. Mild headache for about 8 hours. My wife had similar results.
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