Covid Booster

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Kinda like you seeking out the data to reinforce the opinion you already have that the vaccine is "safe", all while admitting that data can be easilly skewed...that kind of confirmation bias?
No vaccine is 100% safe, but yeah, your right. It is much more likely that our government, and virtually all of the world's governments, are secretly conspiring to put money in Pfizer's pocket at the expense of our own population. Make sure you don't get too close to the edge of that flat Earth...
...I won't get a booster although I have been vaxxed with Moderna.
Same here, and vaxxed the least at this point.
Booster efficacy for Omicron is from 45% to 80% at best and wanes to zero in many people within 2.5 months. Then it's booster 4, 5....

If this latest variant was worse than delta I might think differently about the booster. But from all accounts it's mild.
We should all see this just by the scumbag media's lack of sharing grim Omicron death stats, they can't so they won't share anything but 'dreadful' transmission rates.
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Of course any statistical information can be skewed, but I have full confidence anyone who wants to look up the data has the ability to do so on their own. The trouble is, most will only seek out data that reinforces the opinion they have already formed, its called confirmation bias.
I read about 4 more international soccer stars/future stars dropping dead from heart attacks this last week. Have you seen that?
Last month I read that 17 well-known soccer players had died from heart failure. These are all men 20-35 in their prime. That's really a shocking stat whoever you are and whatever you believe.

The MSM won't cover that and it's sickening.
Does anyone know what's in the booster, has it been FDA approved? To those that have gotten the booster do you even care?
I got the moderna booster and felt bad for a couple days, fatigue and short of breath. I was real run down when I took it and had a couple glasses of wine before bed. It compared to when I got pneumonia, flu, tetanus, and another vaccine at the same time. Didn't sleep much. My wife didn't feel too bad and my daughter had the least discomfort, but she's 18.
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Can you tell me what the link is? What is it that causes these heart attacks? And what percentage of vaccine recipients have this "side effect" ? Study compared 9 risk factors that they use to predict odds of heart attack in the next 5 years. They did test before and after getting vaccine odds of heart attack went from 11% to 25% in the people who participated in the study. When you have a young healthy friend die of a heart attack you start researching. Study compared 9 risk factors that they use to predict odds of heart attack in the next 5 years. They did test before and after getting vaccine odds of heart attack went from 11% to 25% in the people who participated in the study. When you have a young healthy friend die of a heart attack you start researching.

'This story was initially on the American Heart Association website but was taken down.
I have been double boosted. I'm appalled that the nurse working that vaccine center at Walmart wouldn't let my 4.5 year old son to be boosted. What if he gets long covid! Ive got very little sleep the past few days and been watching the news to see how close omicron is getting to my city.

You flat earthers better be ready for your turn on a ventilator! Just turn on the news and you can see many dozens of you stupid unintelligent people being wheeled into and ICU. Think of the nurses that have to deal with these sick people every day. Do you think they went to all that schooling just to treat sick people? Do you really think that the past director of the FDA who is now on the board of directors for Pfizer would want to put as much of their product into people and children as possible? You stupid paranoid fools!
I have been double boosted. I'm appalled that the nurse working that vaccine center at Walmart wouldn't let my 4.5 year old son to be boosted. What if he gets long covid! Ive got very little sleep the past few days and been watching the news to see how close omicron is getting to my city.

You flat earthers better be ready for your turn on a ventilator! Just turn on the news and you can see many dozens of you stupid unintelligent people being wheeled into and ICU. Think of the nurses that have to deal with these sick people every day. Do you think they went to all that schooling just to treat sick people? Do you really think that the past director of the FDA who is now on the board of directors for Pfizer would want to put as much of their product into people and children as possible? You stupid paranoid fools!
I know this is satire, but it's so tough to tell these days.
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