Could you help yourself?


Jan 29, 2022
The West
I don't want to devolve this thread into a shit show and away from its intent but I do feel like this needs to be responded to.

1. Animals shed while they are still in the area. If you went in before they had left the area, you would be disturbing them in their wintering ground.
2. I agree, you shouldn't be able to pick up sheds on private ground before May 1.
3. Wildlife agencies do not have the authority to restrict hikers, bikers, snowshoers, etc. They do have the authority to regulate wildlife. Predator huntings has a direct impact to wildlife. The negative of people being on the landscape hunting them could be offset by them killing them. It would be government overreach if wildlife agencies tried to regulate the use of ground that they don't have authority to restrict.
Sorry I was referring to original intent of thread, driving through sage, 20 yards from road no animals around with the A-C options, I just wondered if it would change being a “SOAL” type find? Lol

We have blm and NF that can absolutely get closed to recreational use, seen it for sage grouse nesting and wild fires for two examples so they could if they wanted to. Would it be wildly unpopular in Co, yes! Would it actually help wintering mule deer and elk, especially if extended into fawning/calving periods? Yes! I’m all in on predator hunting i would love having a spring bear season in Co, that might have the biggest impact on fawn and calf recruitment in certain areas, also not allowing our 24/7/365 recreational activities during sensitive times would help as well, but that is out of the question for Co.


Mar 16, 2016

Sorry I was referring to original intent of thread, driving through sage, 20 yards from road no animals around with the A-C options, I just wondered if it would change being a “SOAL” type find? Lol

We have blm and NF that can absolutely get closed to recreational use, seen it for sage grouse nesting and wild fires for two examples so they could if they wanted to. Would it be wildly unpopular in Co, yes! Would it actually help wintering mule deer and elk, especially if extended into fawning/calving periods? Yes! I’m all in on predator hunting i would love having a spring bear season in Co, that might have the biggest impact on fawn and calf recruitment in certain areas, also not allowing our 24/7/365 recreational activities during sensitive times would help as well, but that is out of the question for Co.
Deleted my post because I dont want to take this thread away from the original intent.

Yes, NF and BLM could close the ground if they wanted to but wildlife agencies cannot and cannot force other agencies to do so. They can ask, that's about it.

Back to the original intent of the thread. Its just flat not worth it. No matter how easy or hard, how big or small, its just not worth it.
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Mar 9, 2014
I really just don’t give a shit about a shed antler laying on the ground, have no idea why people are so crazy about them and no idea why you would want to clutter your home and life with a collection of random sheds.
Might have something to do with the thousands of dollars people get when they sell them.


Jun 9, 2021
South Carolina
To be honest I’m not interested in getting in trouble so I’m not sure what the punishment even is? But I had heard that it only affected hunters, so rec users basically have no punishment coming
I almost enjoy getting in trouble, but it won't be over a dern shed


Oct 28, 2015
I am about to start identifying as a Gray Wolf. Then I can hunt elk any time I want, nobody can mess with me cause im endangered, and I get the double protection of being "trans-species". Anybody wanna start a wolf pack with me? Nothing weird, strictly for hunting/tax purposes only. Ill be out there chewin on antlers all april long.
There's a lady in Oregon that was claiming to identify as a wolf. I'd stay out of places with a wolf season though.

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Nov 27, 2013
Park the truck, get my backpack on, slosh some water on my head and face, grab video camera and make a youtube video. "After 3 miles vertical, I found my first one!"