Corner Crossing 2024?

Interesting, I've been reading on several websites a lot about "Getting surveys done" corners being "reset" you name it. It's up to you to know where you're at. Its almost laughable to think some conservation group should spend money on comer research and fund any corner "upkeep" or " re-monumentation for hunting
Most people are very ignorant about most things. I'll get corner monument coordinates from BLM myself. I'm sure it will be like pulling teeth!! I learned how to read a map and compass when I was about 10. I would read my dad's aerial maps he used for flying to look at terrain and roads. Later I discovered BLM, Forest, and I drew geolical formations on USGS topos with coloring pencils. I still know how to do that stuff, which helps ensure I am not blindly following my "gadgets" information to places I don't want to go. Bill
We had an issue with a well placed on a property line. Survey company in 2004 said it was on our land. Same survey company in 2019 said it was on the neighbors, same survey company in 2023 said they thought it was on our land.
That's terrible!! Good surveyors are insanely precise and thorough like no other human beings on earth. I hope you didn't hire the same company the third time. After the second survey, I would have demanded they do it again until it is correct and if they refused contact the state board of engineers and Better Business beaurow, sp. GPS has revelationized surveying. I worked a summer on a county survey crew before GPS and all I did was clear brush to get a clear line of sight between points.
Also dont drill a well close to your property line to help out a neighbor living "off the grid", someday they wont be your neneighbor.

Don't ever drill a well close to your outhouse. My Hydrogeology Professor told me a story where he was hired to check out a water well that went dry. After talking with the owner, the owner said the well dried up a couple weeks after he moved his outhouse away from it. Mystery solved. LOL.