Corner Crossing 2024?

Frankly I wouldn't sweat it if you know you are legal where you cross, no LEO is going to write you up in Wyoming right now. Until the 10th CC rules against it I don't think any LEO or GW will write for corner crossing. Just respect the private lands.

Remember though not all corners have a marker that is easy to find, I know one that has a wire cemented in the ground as the corner marker. It took us a while to find it with a gps, we had private access so no issues but we wandered all over that area looking for the marker til we spotted the thin wire sticking out of the ground.
Just remember, that little 1 mile grid is a representation of the corner. With ONx, you're basing everything off the projected grid. If I knew I was going to cross a spot, I'd find it early with no weapon on me to avoid any other charges that apply while hunting and fishing vs a simple "oops"
I haven’t heard anyone suggest getting a land surveyor out there to set a pin or 3. That might help clear up any doubts about where a corner is.
I haven’t hard anyone suggest getting a land surveyor out there to set a pin or 3. That might help clear up any doubts about where a corner is.

Wouldn’t that contract have to come from the government if putting stobs on public. Philosophically, I agree that’s it’s all our land, and we should be able to do as we please. Practically, I don’t think anyone would want to have their business in an argument between rich landowners and the federal government without the government’s blessing.

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Just remember, that little 1 mile grid is a representation of the corner. With ONx, you're basing everything off the projected grid. If I knew I was going to cross a spot, I'd find it early with no weapon on me to avoid any other charges that apply while hunting and fishing vs a simple "oops"
I haven’t heard anyone suggest getting a land surveyor out there to set a pin or 3. That might help clear up any doubts about where a corner is.
Call the local BLM office, they "should" have records and maps with monument coordinates. If you can't find the monument in the field because it's buried, destroyed, or gone they "should" come out and make it visible or install a new one.
I wrote this up before on here. Still applies. Anyone using tracks on their GPS enabled the first time is an idiot as mentioned above.

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Does one have to post private property in Wyoming in order to keep people off? I truly don’t know. I believe that in some states if it isn’t posted you’re not trespassing but I could be wrong.

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I'm not stressing, just confused, or maybe curious.

I've dealt with plenty of LE who would thank you kindly then cheerfully start writing your ticket if you showed them a track 30 yards on private property as proof of your "innocence". So deliberately generating and then volunteering that information is not anything I'd in a million years think to do.

Does phone GPS work that much better in wide open spaces? Does the crisp Wyoming air just render officers more sensible and conciliatory? Is there an OnX setting I missed?

(Actually, for me it's mostly that last one: In my non-hunting life I'm a map nerd, and I'm wondering if I could get more out of OnX. But admittedly, I'm an Eastern hunter hoping to to go west one day, not someone out on BLM every year.)
Great minds think alike!! Regular GPS is not very precise at all. The GPS professional surveyors use is incredibly accurate!!! It revolutionized modern land surveying!!
This decision will just force the "rich private landowners" & private hunting outfitting ranches to purchase those checkerboard public land parcels. Which the Trump Admin will gladly sell to them!
Their strategy of creating the checkerboard lands is mute now to their true intentions.
No one is being forced to do anything. Land owners, ranches will probably evaluate buying the blm checkers, depending what the cost is and the benefit. Of course the Trump Administration is working fervently to sell every single piece of federal public land to the "rich people" Whose strategies of creating the checkerboard lands is mute now to their true intentions? What? The government gave checkers to railroad companies to entice them to build railroads.
I wrote this up before on here. Still applies. Anyone using tracks on their GPS enabled the first time is an idiot as mentioned above.
You mean anyone using the tracks feature on their GPS the first time they try and locate the corner monument is an idiot? They could be naive, ignorant, or not thinking. Bill
Does one have to post private property in Wyoming in order to keep people off? I truly don’t know. I believe that in some states if it isn’t posted you’re not trespassing but I could be wrong.

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Good question. In Texas it has to be fenced, posted with signage every so-many feet, or marked with purple paint, or of course verbally communicated (get off my property!). I think there's a blip about livestock being present but that may also have to do with or be combined with a fence, can't recall. If that applies elsewhere it helps a lot at least for criminal prosecution I'd imagine.
This decision will just force the "rich private landowners" & private hunting outfitting ranches to purchase those checkerboard public land parcels. Which the Trump Admin will gladly sell to them!
Their strategy of creating the checkerboard lands is mute now to their true intentions.
You're a liar. No need to bring your TDS into this.
Does one have to post private property in Wyoming in order to keep people off? I truly don’t know. I believe that in some states if it isn’t posted you’re not trespassing but I could be wrong.

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No posting of property needed, it's up to you to know where you're at. If you're in doubt, turn your GPS off.
Interesting, I've been reading on several websites a lot about "Getting surveys done" corners being "reset" you name it. It's up to you to know where you're at. Its almost laughable to think some conservation group should spend money on comer research and fund any corner "upkeep" or " re-monumentation for hunting purposes.

This is a great win no doubt, but sadly in years to come, but I miss the days of maneuvering around private to get on hard to reach BLM ground. Now, flip on onx, and Wala, another shot out piece of ground.
We had an issue with a well placed on a property line. Survey company in 2004 said it was on our land. Same survey company in 2019 said it was on the neighbors, same survey company in 2023 said they thought it was on our land.

Luckily the neighbor was good about it and we did a lot line adjustment for a fairly minimal cost to leave no doubt. Point is that even professionals have a difficult time with these exact locations especially on rolling/wooded terrain.

I am happy with their ruling as the public should have access to public land but this is likely going to be a court nightmare going forward.

Also dont drill a well close to your property line to help out a neighbor living "off the grid", someday they wont be your neighbor.