Claims are made because of simply not looking at the facts, rumors, and outright has been the case in every discussion about BHA, including this one.
There's also the fact that the local chapters are incredibly effective, and that threatens not only those that want to say, turn federal lands into private lands, but also those that would profit from same.
There are lots of very smart and talented volunteers that make up the State boards who aren't afraid of tackling issues that other orgs simply WILL NOT take on, for a variety of reasons. That effectiveness is a threat to many, and the response is typically to lash out and distract. It works too, you're a classic example of that. Even when its pointed out what the various Chapters have done, you don't want to believe it.
Even this latest corner crossing case in Wyoming, we're not receiving help from any other orgs on this, not a single one. Yet, we have attorneys reaching out providing pro-bono support, have thousands of folks signing our petition, and thousands of others have contributed their $$$ to support the 4 hunters who are taking this issue on. Listen to Newberg's latest podcast about corner crossing and tell me BHA is on the wrong side of this issue. The WY board has handled this perfectly, raised a ton of awareness on an issue that other orgs won't touch.
The first ones through the wall on these types of issues will always get bloodied, just the way it is. We'll have detractors, take heat from the well-heeled, and also take heat from within the ranks. But, for the record, who else is willing to take on an issue that would open up 1.6 million acres of public access via corner crossing? There may be some out there, but they haven't stepped up yet, we'll see what happens down the road.