Consensus on 156 Berger’s?

Killed a couple antelope and mule deer with them this year. Everything died with one shot besides a muley. A bad first shot on that one. A Texas heart shot killed it. Kills were from 245-690 yards. Besides the bad shot nothing ran further than 25 yards from impact. About 3k muzzle velocity.

I’ve used them previous years and same same. No surprises so far.
this is an entry from a 156 Berger shot him
Up hill bullet exited and left about the same size hole on exit and he was dead within seconds. I really like them and they are very accurate. IMG_5700.jpeg
I have killed 4 deer and a bear with them. Going about 2920 FPS. They have performed great even at very close range of about 60 yards. Average shot has been about 250 and the exit is always a baseball size hole. Animals have died very quickly.
That’s a beauty of an entrance, especially if it maintained and exited the same way
Ya he didn’t go far. He was moving pretty quick but not a dead run when I made the shot and dropped within 20 yards. The other buck I shot with the 156s didn’t exit but turned his lungs to jello and dropped on the spot. I really like this bullet and can’t wait to shoot an elk with this combo.
A few deer inside 250 yards, typical berger performance.

Mountain goat with impact velociy of 2,300fps was a little different then typical berger performance i have experienced. First shot was 12 ring, caliber size entrance and small exit, didn't seem like a lot of internal damage, goat seemed unfazed. 2nd shot was facing almost dead on towards me, slightly angled. Bullet drove the length of the goat and I found some of the jacket in it's rear ham when cutting up the meat. Third shot was more or less a mercy kill in his bed, top of lung and spine, no exit bullet came apart on spine.