Concerned about CWD In Idaho


Jan 14, 2014
I’m confused about what’s going on with CWD in Idaho. I heard that there have been a couple of outbreaks at elk ranches… and due to slow reporting those animals have been shipped to shoot ranches all over the state. This is concerning in and of itself, but the state is also considering loosening the safety requirements for elk ranches/ high fence shoot farms… supposedly to make it easier and more profitable for the elk farmers.

I’m definitely pro property & business rights, but these twenty elk ranches and shoot farms in Idaho are jeopardizing our entire elk and deer population. They must have an incredible lobby if they can justify this amount of risk to profit such a small number of ranchers.

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Sep 13, 2016
I’m confused about what’s going on with CWD in Idaho. I heard that there have been a couple of outbreaks at elk ranches… and due to slow reporting those animals have been shipped to shoot ranches all over the state. This is concerning in and of itself, but the state is also considering loosening the safety requirements for elk ranches/ high fence shoot farms… supposedly to make it easier and more profitable for the elk farmers.

I’m definitely pro property & business rights, but these twenty elk ranches and shoot farms in Idaho are jeopardizing our entire elk and deer population. They must have an incredible lobby if they can justify this amount of risk to profit such a small number of ranchers.

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And yes, they have a helluva lobbyist.


Feb 7, 2018
Idaho has had its first 2 cases of CWD in domestic elk, both in December of 2024. Two separate facilities, the first case was found in Madison County the second case in Jefferson County. At this point CWD has not been found in wild deer, elk or moose in the region.

Domestic Elk ranches are under the oversight of the Idaho State Department of Agriculture, ISDA.

There are rule changes, currently being considered by our state legislature, that would loosen restrictions and requirements on ranches that are CWD positive.


DOCKET NO. 02-0419-2401


These changes are supported by ISDA, the agricultural affairs subcommittee and the ISDA Veterinarian, Scott Leibsle.

The first rule change would no longer require a CWD positive facility to build a second perimeter fence. Previously a ranch with a CWD positive result was required to build a second perimeter fence with a 10-foot offset, to create a buffer between wild and domestic herds. Hopefully containing CWD to the facility. This change was implemented to benefit shooting ranches. They have large, fenced areas and did not want to be forced to build a second perimeter fence.

The second rule change will allow for the transport of CWD infected, exposed and suspect animals to another facility owned by the same ranch. Prior regulation would not allow for any transport of these animals. This change was implemented to benefit the shooting ranches also.

Under current ISDA regulation, domestic cervid ranches in Idaho are required to submit tissue samples for CWD testing on an annual basis. This means that the ranch can hold a tissue sample and submit it for testing December. The CWD positive elk from Jefferson County died in June and tissue samples were not sent in until the end of the year. 6 months passed between the animals death and the positive result for CWD. To be compliant with USDA, which is not required by ISDA, tissue samples must be submitted to a certified lab within 7 days for testing, I believe that Idaho should follow these USDA guidelines.

These rule changes and testing regulations are a threat to Idaho’s wild deer, elk and moose herds.

If there is a domestic elk ranch near where you live or hunt you should be very concerned.

Both ranches imported animal from Canada that were CWD positive according to Scott Leibsle, the ISDA state veterinarian. If it happened at these ranches it could happen at any elk ranch in the state. To be clear the CWD positive cow, that died in June in Jefferson County, was not imported. That cow was born on that farm and had never left the facility until her death. That cow contracted CWD from another elk within the facility.

These rule changes are being put in place to protect the Elk ranchers of the state, fewer than 20. These shooting ranches sell millions of dollars of “hunts” a year. They can afford fencing. The elk from the facility in Jefferson County are owned by the Broadmouth Canyon Ranch.

Please contact your Senators and Representatives to express your opposition to these rule changes.