Colorado wolves released today


Jan 29, 2022
The West
Why though? Just look at our entire country right now. Only one side is consistently the one being told to compromise, and play within the game. Personally I'm tired of playing within their game, they don't play by the rules, we do, and look at where that has gotten us. They know we won't break the rules and play the way they do, they actually count on that. TBH, I'm getting really fuc*ing tired of it.

I think too many people are under the false impression that a compromise is even attainable. Do you honestly think the people behind the reintroduction are willing to negotiate? If so, you're delusional.

It's time the people of this country find its balls again.
This is what I have been saying!!! People think we can just play nice and smile and try real hard to show them the science and they will come around… never! They baked it into the wolf plan they are non game animals and will not be killed by hunters. Once it gets bad enough that the average cat lady says wow too many wolves, the war will be lost and over… we underestimate how fanatical people are because it doesn’t make logical sense in our minds we can’t grasp it. It started to make real sense to me when I saw grown men blow themselves up because they believe they will enter paradise, we are dealing with that level of fanaticism or real close to it.


Jun 22, 2020

Where are you from?

In these liberal states, you are smoking crack if you think there will be some compromise with the wolf huggers in Colorado. Here in Oregon, we just had a five year review of our wolf "program". It was recommended nothing needed to be changed at the current time. Yet, the initial plan called for 7 breeding pairs, and as of the current ODFW map, they now have 37 packs, that they know of! Yet nothing needs to be done? Any efforts to start controlling the wolves is met with lawsuits....yeah, compromise, great idea. SMFH.
Sep 13, 2016
This is what I have been saying!!! People think we can just play nice and smile and try real hard to show them the science and they will come around… never! They baked it into the wolf plan they are non game animals and will not be killed by hunters. Once it gets bad enough that the average cat lady says wow too many wolves, the war will be lost and over… we underestimate how fanatical people are because it doesn’t make logical sense in our minds we can’t grasp it. It started to make real sense to me when I saw grown men blow themselves up because they believe they will enter paradise, we are dealing with that level of fanaticism or real close to it.
@Hnthrdr gets it. It took Idaho 11 years AFTER the agreed population was achieved to get a hunt established. The damage was done 5 years after reintroduction.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
Sorry to be such a Debbie downer, but if you study history and look at the main group(s) that are pushing this they are just as radical as the Bolsheviks. They use similar tactics and their belief is the ends justifies the means full stop. Lying, cheating, deception, killing, demoralizing, all of these things are totally fine if it achieves the end goal.
Feb 14, 2023
After the debacle in Idaho and arguabally a runaway population in Montana, you would think we "Joe Public Taxpayer" would have learned a lesson. Deer and Elk generate dollars handsomely....Don't mess with the ecosystem introducing another Apex Predator. I border on calling them an invasive species.
Sep 13, 2016
Sorry to be such a Debbie downer, but if you study history and look at the main group(s) that are pushing this they are just as radical as the Bolsheviks. They use similar tactics and their belief is the ends justifies the means full stop. Lying, cheating, deception, killing, demoralizing, all of these things are totally fine if it achieves the end goal.
There is a never ending source of money for these groups, unfortunately most of the people involved are just useful idiots to their masters.


Jul 28, 2014
From my interactions with people in Colorado who support the introduction of wolves have no idea of the devastation they can bring. They merely like the idea of having wolves.
Voters did not take the time to educate themselves on the idea and simply wanted the romanticized version of what they think a wolf is.


Dec 21, 2021
Sorry to be such a Debbie downer, but if you study history and look at the main group(s) that are pushing this they are just as radical as the Bolsheviks. They use similar tactics and their belief is the ends justifies the means full stop. Lying, cheating, deception, killing, demoralizing, all of these things are totally fine if it achieves the end goal.

What's the end goal? I'm asking out of genuine curiosity because I don't know. Is it to try and reduce hunting/ranching opportunities? What does that get them other than a group of pissed off people, surely it's something deeper than that.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
From my interactions with people in Colorado who support the introduction of wolves have no idea of the devastation they can bring. They merely like the idea of having wolves.
Voters did not take the time to educate themselves on the idea and simply wanted the romanticized version of what they think a wolf is.
This largely in part of the CPW being muzzled!!! And people think the enviro-nazis fight fair? They imposed a gag order on the one agency that could actually give the public factual information and guess what? They are already given a gag order for the cat hunting ban… yep we will just have fight more fair I guess…


Mar 13, 2019
What's the end goal? I'm asking out of genuine curiosity because I don't know. Is it to try and reduce hunting/ranching opportunities? What does that get them other than a group of pissed off people, surely it's something deeper than that.
I think the end goal is the removal of the 2nd amendment. It was said before in here and i don't remember by who but they get ride of hunting then they can justify in their minds the reason why we don't need guns.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
What's the end goal? I'm asking out of genuine curiosity because I don't know. Is it to try and reduce hunting/ranching opportunities? What does that get them other than a group of pissed off people, surely it's something deeper than that.
Let me bust out my tin foil hat and furnace filters… I’d say they want hunting by man to become extinct. They want to destroy ranching, and farming, and animal husbandry. It will completely controlled by the “state”They want you to live in a 15 min city, they want you to eat plants and lab grown meat, and when we are solely reliant upon them and can’t hunt anymore, well we won’t have much use for those evil guns or bows, better turn them in if you want your Soylent green this Tuesday. Listen to Chris Roe’s podcast on the wolves in Co he has a few part series and explains it well. They are going to do away with the North American wildlife model and replace it with some Diversity, equity, BS in which man is no longer plugged into the ecosystem. Where we are some spectators like big African game preserves…


May 26, 2014
Are they though? Their means to an end knows no boundary.

One of the main boosters of the reintroduction prop is a guy named Larry Weiss. He's a far left wing, animal rights, Berkeley California lawyer, relocated to Colorado. Reading his past comments are instructive on what the overall objectives of the movement are. I'm sure he's well connected to Marlon Reis, the governor's husband, who is also a huge animal rights person.

On disrupting legal hunting: "They had come there from across the bay, they slept there and as the hunt began, they would rise up like ghosts out of the bushes and blow horns to scare the animals. I don’t think one animal was killed that day. Those were the kind of people I liked to defend, it was an honor to defend them."

On reducing human population: "The answer to this is that there has to be a worldwide movement to empower women, to have fewer children if they so desire, or to have no children if they so desire. That is at the heart of the overpopulation problem, and that’s what we have to work on. "

On changing state game boards so that animals are not considered property of the state: "But to have a majority on that commission that are hunters and ranchers, that’s the first thing that I would suggest you go after"

On indoctrinating kids: "All those stupid charts about the four food groups, those are gone, and people have realized the benefits of veganism in schools. Thank God, it’s in schools."
Feb 14, 2023
If these enviro-nature folks are so dumb, what does that say about us? Seems to be they are the only ones getting their way why sit here with thumbs up our ass.
Good point. The legislative process works for all of us and Hunters obviously need to make their voices heard very loud and clear. You have rightfully called me out and I have zero defense for sitting here with my thumb in my ass.