Colorado wolves released today

I think we’re miscommunicating a bit. To think governments ARE ran like businesses is laughable. I don’t know about you but I pay my taxes because I’m compelled to, not because I think the government is doing a great job and so they deserve my money. Businesses exist because there’s a market for them, their goal is to make a profit and reward their owners and employees as such. Government agencies aren’t trying to make a profit, and in no way reward their employees or executives monetarily on good tax/license sale years. Govt agencies actually do their best to spend as much of their budget as they reasonably can to prove that their service necessitates it (use it or lose it), whereas businesses try to maximize profit (spend the least amount of money possible while still supplying a good service/product)

I’m saying that state employees get paid on a scale and that’s why they do need license sale money. You’re the one advocating for a boycott.
Boycott = no license sale money = no pool of money to pay for hunting related services/employees, thus they are shut down. If no one used roads and no one registered their cars do you expect the government to suddenly redo all the highways and start incredible maintenance programs?

I suppose they are ran similarly to a business in the fact that they need to sell licenses and collect taxes in order to provide services and opportunities. But on the other hand, unlike a business, a boycott would show that they aren’t necessary. It would not entice better services and opportunity.

To put it simply, if we want hunter interests to be looked after then hunter money needs to be present in the pot. If there’s no hunter money in the pot then why would the state be incentivized to provide hunting related services and opportunities?

If you want bird watchers, tourists, and other non-consumptive users to be the main revenue stream and therefore be the primary survey/opinion base for CPW decision making then go ahead with your boycott.

This IS the nuts and bolts of the N. American model of wildlife conservation. Those advocating for a boycott of CPW, and also saying they think the N. American model works are contradicting themselves without realizing it. Wildlife conservation REQUIRES money. That money comes from the sale of licenses. Without it, there is no conservation, and shortly, there would be no wildlife. There’s plenty of countries to look at for that model…contrary to some people’s belief, wildlife does NOT just magically do well in the modern world without intervention.

If we’re going to start boycotting the wildlife agencies, we better ALSO implement another system to manage the wildlife, or hunting will be done for in short order.

It’s my belief that the Antis are actually hoping for this exact thing. They’re not stupid, they know where the money for the wildlife agencies comes from. If by banning the hunting of big cats and introducing wolves, they can cause hunters to throw in the towel, THEY WIN. They do not care about a balanced ecosystem. They care about ENDING HUNTING. If they can’t outright ban it all, this is a pretty good way to get it done by second order effect.

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To say any State of Federal agency isn't running itself like a business is laughable they need the operating money to be around, thru fees, taxes and licensing.
Name a few government agencies that regularly show a profit.

I'll settle for one.
Name a few government agencies that regularly show a profit.

I'll settle for one.

You just made his point for him. If agencies ran like a business, they would HAVE to show profit, in order to stay “in business” agencies run on a “use it or lose it” system. It’s like getting a grant in order to function. Therefore, no agencies ever show a profit.

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