I’m removed from this process and can’t speak from a position of full knowledge, but here is my impression of where things are at. Colorado, as required, has developed a recovery and management plan. That plan is currently in draft form and includes potential lethal take of problem animals. They are in the public review portion of the plan. Once finalized, the plan will then be submitted to USFWS for approval.
The USFWS will likely require some changes before approving that plan. If that happens, Colorado will need to make adjustments and resubmit.
In Michigan and Wisconsin, even though both States are substantially above the agreed upon recovery goals, and have been for the better part of 20 years, killing of wolves for livestock and pet depredation is not allowed. I can’t say with 100% certainty that the same will be true in Colorado, but it would be highly unusual for the Feds to stray from that direction.
The goal of my first post was to help people understand the background on these processes and how they can best provide meaningful input. Having done that, I’m going to back out and allow others to opine on the merits of the plan.