I believe almost every state would like to find a way out of Preference Point Purgatory and move to a system similar to Idaho. What makes this virtually impossible is the folks, like me, who have accumulated preference points and will not support a system without points.
My idea to transition to a non-preference point system is to allow applicants to determine how many of their preference points they would like to apply towards a controlled hunt. Lets say I have 15 preference points and I know the current system will be phased out in 3 years. I could elected to burn all 15 points in one year or a more likely approach would be to use 5 preference points each of the next three years. It may not be the premium tag I have been saving for but in would likely be a decent tag and I could actually hunt each of the next three years.
Maybe I am crazy but I think many hunters would embrace this idea when they factor in Point Creep.