Colorado Preference Point Focus Group

All I'm saying is that would be tough. They may be doing it and getting lucky or it's not a desirable unit. I keep tabs on the leftover when I dont draw tags and I rarely get anything, especially a sought after tag

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I have to agree. Leftover feels like a joke. The website doesn't let you know if the tag has been added to the list yet or not and there is no way to know if it was added and already taken or what not. I raised hell with the director in charge of the program.

It would be nice to see it go to the system that Idaho uses for leftover where everyone gets assigned a random number and you wait in a que. While waiting in the que, a sidebar updates to indicates the tags that are no longer available.

Best part is, the same company runs both Colorado and Idaho and when you ask CPW about it, they act like the system was sent from space and any idea that includes any changes to the current setup is blasphemy.

Rant over.
Interesting. Would you think that leftovers picked up should burn the points it would have taken to draw them? I know it sucks to lose the points, but if you get the tag in the primary draw, you would have lost them...
I believe if you draw a tag that would have taken 5 or more points to draw it does take your points. Maybe i misunderstood?
100% random draw is the only way you get rid of the problem in my opinion but that's not a popular approach. Then when CO ups the tag allocation to 90% res 10% non res we can have 30 different threads like WY.

Maybe make a second draw for returned tags where preference points are weighted so the guys who have max points have a better shot at getting premium returned tags and aren't completely out of luck.

The fact that point averaging isn't allowed in CO blows my mind
I agree that all returned tags should go to resident hunters as well for the first 24 hrs then to public at large after that. Great change!

90-10 or at most 85-15 res/non res split will also help most folks out.

Elimination of the loophole of hunting and building a point is flat out the cornerstone that has allowed extreme elk point creep.

It is interesting that most folks (except the cba) want to see archery go all limited. Going all limited for archery then using all your points on any hunt and we will see point creep vastly reduced. Leave rifle the way it is but buy a license even a leftover type b cow tag burn all your points!!

You can’t go below zero so the opportunity for 0 point holders will amazing or no doubt you can hunt multiple elk every year. Now if 76 is what you want you will not be mucking up a otc unit waiting for your tag. It would basically roll back the overcrowding prevalent in every otc unit in Co or a very good deal!!

Elimination of the landowner and leftover hunt while you keep your points would help but on a scale so low it the numbers show it will not effect point creep - but still a good idea when coupled with burn your points on any hunt for that species. Stand alone it is worthless…

From who I talk with using all your points on any hunt is getting very strong support and will be a welcome change to reduce point creep!

Or the time is coming to pick a otc unit or wait to draw a better unit but not both and that will be the best change Co has made in quite some time.
What about not burning points on doe/cow tags? I feel like burning points on a B tag would incentivize people to get a buck tag in hopes for a big buck, but then shooting the first forky that comes within shooting range.
Go to limited entry for all units. Keep everything else the same. Set up a change 3 years from date of announcement:

Hunters in A group hunt in even years, hunters in B group hunt in odd years. You have three years to prepare and decide with your group of friends and family. From start date, you’re only allowed to big game hunt every other year.
Go to limited entry for all units. Keep everything else the same. Set up a change 3 years from date of announcement:

Hunters in A group hunt in even years, hunters in B group hunt in odd years. You have three years to prepare and decide with your group of friends and family. From start date, you’re only allowed to big game hunt every other year.

^^^ Im glad you're not on the focus group
I think the R/NR split needs to got o 85/15. With that said, I would like to know what the financial impact would be of doing that.

I would like to see some changes to the Secondary Draw and the Re-issue / Leftover Process. Below are some thoughts on these programs.

Residents get some sort of preference on Re-issues via the Leftover Process.

No CPW employees or immediate family are eligible for Re-issues via the Leftover Process.

Online only - no more having sales terminals being used for Re-issues via the Leftover Process.

Licenses turned in during the Surrender Period (by June 6) do not go in the Secondary Draw but are held for the Re-issue List in August.

Licenses turned in after the Surrender Period and before the Secondary Draw do not go in the Secondary Draw but are held for the Re-issue List in August.

The procedure in place for 2022 is to dump all the returned licenses received during the Surrender Period and the ones received between the Surrender Period and the Secondary Draw into the Secondary Draw where youth have 100% priority.

I'm all for giving the youth some nice perks but including the Re-issues in the Secondary Draw is going too far. I'm in support of cheap youth licenses, giving youth preference in the Secondary Draw (without adding in returned licenses) and continue to allow them to convert their unfilled antlerless deer and elk and either-sex elk tags to antlerless licenses to be used in any remaining open season.
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I have two requests:

1. Average preference points when applying in a group. I would love to split my pile of points with a family member to go hunting.
2. OTC Elk - Move the purchase by date back to the same deadline as the application deadline. If you are going to go OTC, commit in April. Leave the checkbox in the application for 'if unsuccessful send me a OTC tag for XYZ season.'
If you receive a tag for that species you lose your points. Doesn't matter how you got it. That is about the only way to help end creep and even that might not do it.

As for sharing points. That just helps creep. If I have 20 points and my kid has zero. When I share with him those 20 points draw 2 tags. If I can't share those 20 points only draw 1 tag.
Convert preference points to bonus points. Bonus point systems are much better as they still give better odds to those who have applied longer but new hunters or young hunters aren’t completely out of the game.
Averaging points…NOPE! Immediate point creep, significant creep. Can’t wait to get my aunt, uncle, second cousin, neighbors to all apply so I can start getting points! Why wouldn’t I have my father in law apply? Cost me 15 bucks for a resident point for a family member or friend, then 60 bucks for a tag, for basically half a point. It’s a no brainer!!!

The “I’m not looking for your honey hole” posts will be replaced with the “anybody want ri split points?” It’ll be a popularity contest, guys will be begging to hunt, updating their hunting resume.
Averaging points…NOPE! Immediate point creep, significant creep. Can’t wait to get my aunt, uncle, second cousin, neighbors to all apply so I can start getting points! Why wouldn’t I have my father in law apply? Cost me 15 bucks for a resident point for a family member or friend, then 60 bucks for a tag, for basically half a point. It’s a no brainer!!!

The “I’m not looking for your honey hole” posts will be replaced with the “anybody want ri split points?” It’ll be a popularity contest, guys will be begging to hunt, updating their hunting resume.

That's what I would do; Oodles of family members would have cpwshop accounts, my 4yo kid would never hunt less than a 6 point hunt and every two years would get to hunt one more point higher. Heck, those family members might turn their tags back in and keep the points at the cost of $50 so the kid keeps getting cool hunts and cooler ones every year after.
Averaging points - I definitely see where you are coming from, but it still take both people to zero points, and gets the higher point holder out of the running for the high point tags. Definitely would impact creep for the mid point level tags.

Is applying for a ton of relatives a rampant problem in other states that average points? Not being sarcastic seriously asking.
That's what I would do; Oodles of family members would have cpwshop accounts, my 4yo kid would never hunt less than a 6 point hunt and every two years would get to hunt one more point higher. Heck, those family members might turn their tags back in and keep the points at the cost of $50 so the kid keeps getting cool hunts and cooler ones every year after.
Didn’t even think about that. Turn back tag!!! Genius. Problem is, that 1 point unit will be a 3 point unit. It won’t affect the top end units, but the 0-5 point units will change dramatically.
Averaging points - I definitely see where you are coming from, but it still take both people to zero points, and gets the higher point holder out of the running for the high point tags. Definitely would impact creep for the mid point level tags.

Is applying for a ton of relatives a rampant problem in other states that average points? Not being sarcastic seriously asking.
I want to know WHY people want to point average? “To hunt with a family member or friend”…you can still hunt without a tag in your pocket and it’s actually as much or MORE fun helping someone else. I have a feeling lots of guys wanting to average points aren’t the guys with 5-25 points, but the guys with no points or few points that have someone they’d love to shave a few points off!
I want to know WHY people want to point average? “To hunt with a family member or friend”…you can still hunt without a tag in your pocket and it’s actually as much or MORE fun helping someone else. I have a feeling lots of guys wanting to average points aren’t the guys with 5-25 points, but the guys with no points or few points that have someone they’d love to shave a few points off!

I can only speak for myself.. I live in a high point deer unit and have 15 points and continually fall further behind a 3rd season tag in my backyard. If I can split points with a family member and give them a leg up, that makes burning MY points on second season ILO waiting for 3rd a no brainer.

That's what I would do; Oodles of family members would have cpwshop accounts, my 4yo kid would never hunt less than a 6 point hunt and every two years would get to hunt one more point higher. Heck, those family members might turn their tags back in and keep the points at the cost of $50 so the kid keeps getting cool hunts and cooler ones every year after.
This good perspective, there would have to be some sort of higher barriers to entry and tag returns. Devils advocate here.... What is keeping you from hunting Region G/H Deer and WY General elk every year?
Didn’t even think about that. Turn back tag!!! Genius. Problem is, that 1 point unit will be a 3 point unit. It won’t affect the top end units, but the 0-5 point units will change dramatically.
Psshhhht I'd just hunt pronghorn every year and nothing else, no point creep for those mangy things.