Colorado Preference Point Focus Group

It would be nice to see a restriction of either hunt or get a pref pt but not both for NR, I don’t think that would be fair to residents but as a NR it would help reduce the madness.
Definitely agree with proposing point averaging/sharing/pooling.

… another idea (if trying to mitigate point creep) is to create a “premium hunt” for each unit and species. Designate 1 tag for each unit/specie that would be valid for all weapons & seasons.…(BUT DO NOT do what Oregon did and separate it from the regular draw!) …. I believe this would alleviate quite a bit of pressure on all the units by pulling those applicants that are willing to wait a lifetime building points for the “best hunt” into this category, and providing a significant reduction in point creep for the rest of the regular seasons.
For the weighted point discussion, I would highly recommend scaling by 1/(1+wp^2) rather than 1/(1+wp)

my 2c
If you hunt choices 1-3, points go to zero.

If there are leftovers, no points required.

But if you really want to move the needle get rid of preference points and move it to a bonus point system like Nevada, except for don’t have five choices, maybe two.

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You pick up a leftover or re-issue it burns your points.

I guess the only reason I wasn’t thinking of that is because there are some hunt that they would not be able to manage the game on without the leftover list. Could be wrong.

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I guess the only reason I wasn’t thinking of that is because there are some hunt that they would not be able to manage the game on without the leftover list. Could be wrong.

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You are correct, there are unpurchased tags every year for public land that the biologists think need more management.

I'd be curious your thoughts on how effective Utah's management buck programs are in some areas? I have thought something similar for other species here would be a good way to cull preference points.
I guess the only reason I wasn’t thinking of that is because there are some hunt that they would not be able to manage the game on without the leftover list. Could be wrong.

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I think it would really help if you pick a preference point as choice 1 you can’t get a tag for that species in the current year and I like having to use points for all choices in the initial draw.
I'll state an unpopular opinion.

I'd like to scrap Colorado's entire structure and copy New Mexico's system. There I said it. (I'm a Colorado resident)

No more OTC. No more points. 100% pure random draw. 70%-ish tag allocation to residents. 30%-ish tag allocation to non-residents. Get assigned a random number. When its your turn in line, if there are any tags for your #1 choice, you get it. If choice #1 is gone, you get your #2 choice if there are any left. on and on etc etc.

Give people 10 years before fully implemented to use their points. I have young kids currently (and grandkids hopefully in the next 20 years). I think of them trying to do this point craziness at current rates and seems impossible.
I guess the only reason I wasn’t thinking of that is because there are some hunt that they would not be able to manage the game on without the leftover list. Could be wrong.

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Valid point. How about If you pick up a returned tag that is in a 5 point unit, you lose 5 points.
Valid point. How about If you pick up a returned tag that is in a 5 point unit, you lose 5 points.
that's where it would be worth taking the points.

So, let's define leftover list:

"tags leftover after first drawing"

Then we have a turnback list:

"tags drawn with points in first draw, then turned back".

Those could require points if they took points to draw. Not sure how many.... but if people get to hunt and build points, we're chasing our tails on slowing point creep.

And I'm one of those guys who builds and hunts, but I'd be willing to give something up to improve the system.
If you are able to hunt your point go to zero. No reason to OTC and collect points
Idk so you're supposed to never hunt, only build points and then magically know how to hunt when you get the tag finally?

I be much more for a have to put in for the draw kinda thing then you get otc or a point.
And a if you don't put in for a draw for 2-3 years loose them kinda thing.

So must actually apply for a tag and not draw to get a point or an otc.
Idk so you're supposed to never hunt, only build points and then magically know how to hunt when you get the tag finally?

I be much more for a have to put in for the draw kinda thing then you get otc or a point.
And a if you don't put in for a draw for 2-3 years loose them kinda thing.

So must actually apply for a tag and not draw to get a point or an otc.
Forces a person to choose vs double dip. There are other species or states. It would limit point creep.
You could hunt each year if you wanted, it would only impact your ability to hunt if you wanted a point.
So your saying there will always be enough tags available in the 1st round i will always draw a tag?
How would someone ever get to a premium unit and know how to hunt also?

You're chose is hunt crap units every year and never get a good tag or wait for a good tag and not know how to hunt.
You can say go to another state but thats drying up fast.
Oregon barely has otc archery tags left for residents.
I bet without a few years we will be corner to corner draw.
So your saying there will always be enough tags available in the 1st round i will always draw a tag?
How would someone ever get to a premium unit and know how to hunt also?

You're chose is hunt crap units every year and never get a good tag or wait for a good tag and not know how to hunt.
You can say go to another state but thats drying up fast.
Oregon barely has otc archery tags left for residents.
I bet without a few years we will be corner to corner draw.
We have OTC so yes you can hunt. If you want a draw unit you sacrifice.