I’m sure many are pissin on their boots with the late mule deer seasons this year in Colorado - but I took this pic today in N Colorado for a reminder that county roads won’t be plowed in case of bad weather.
I'm a little worried about it for my 3rd season mule deer hunt as well. We'll have to see how the subaru forester holds up. Really don't want to have to rent a truck for this hunt but don't wanna get my dumb**s stuck either on a solo hunt.
What everyone is worrying about I'm praying to get some for 4th season, but I come from CNY and we get snow in a way that only the high peaks have ever experienced, we measure snow in feet.
We shall see. The last two 4th seasons I hunted (2017 and 2019) I was t-shirt hunting by 10am everyday. This year's 4th season hunt is a bit of a wildcard though, I usually have the skis out by Thanksgiving. Hopefully the Jeep with winch and chains will be enough, I'm not going snowmobile shopping for one hunt.