Colorado Hunters Must Vote to Prevent "Ballot Box Biology"


Rokslide Sponsor
May 7, 2019
As a member of the hunting community, I am writing to stress the urgent need for hunters to participate in every election. The recent trend of "ballot box biology" poses a serious threat to our traditions, wildlife management practices, and the future of sustainable hunting in our state.
"Ballot box biology" refers to decisions about wildlife and environmental management being made through ballot initiatives rather than based on scientific evidence and the expertise of wildlife biologists. While direct democracy is a fundamental aspect of our society, complex wildlife management issues require the input of professionals who understand the intricacies of ecosystems, species behaviors, and conservation needs.
When hunters abstain from voting, they allow individuals who may lack understanding of the natural world to dictate policies that directly affect wildlife populations and habitats. For example, past ballot measures like the wolf reintroduction that could undermine sound wildlife management principles, potentially leading to unbalanced ecosystems, overpopulation of certain species, or the loss of hunting opportunities. Did you know we only lost that vote by 33k votes? Did you know there was almost twice that amount of voters in the hunting and shooting community that did not vote at all?
Hunters are among the most committed conservationists, contributing significantly to wildlife management through licenses, fees, and taxes that fund conservation efforts. We have a responsibility to ensure that decisions about wildlife are made based on science and sustainability rather than emotion or misinformation. I know politics is not our stick, but by voting, hunters can help ensure that policies reflect a balanced approach to conservation, protecting both our natural heritage and the traditions that depend on it.
Moreover, voting is crucial in supporting candidates who understand and respect the role of science in wildlife management. It is vital to back those who recognize that hunters are key stakeholders in conservation and who will defend our rights and responsibilities. And it's super important not to have a defeatist mentality, remember you lose 100% of the battles you don't fight.
I urge all Colorado hunters to recognize the power of their vote. Let’s come together to protect our rights, support science-based wildlife management, and preserve the future of hunting in Colorado. Your vote is a vital tool in safeguarding our outdoor heritage against the pitfalls of "ballot box biology."


Nov 20, 2016
That's the way it works here in WA. Hound hunting, bear baiting, body gripping traps and maybe a few more I'm missing. All long gone. Although not put to a vote, our liberal commission, installed by our esteemed governor, voted in by the people, took our spring bear season away, so I count that too. Us sportsman our vastly outnumbered. Therein lies the problem. CO is no different, all voting is controlled by the eastern slope. Here in WA, all voting is controlled by a handful of counties. This is not a rant nor opinion. Just a sad fact.


Rokslide Sponsor
May 7, 2019
That's the way it works here in WA. Hound hunting, bear baiting, body gripping traps and maybe a few more I'm missing. All long gone. Although not put to a vote, our liberal commission, installed by our esteemed governor, voted in by the people, took our spring bear season away, so I count that too. Us sportsman our vastly outnumbered. Therein lies the problem. CO is no different, all voting is controlled by the eastern slope. Here in WA, all voting is controlled by a handful of counties. This is not a rant nor opinion. Just a sad fact.
We cant be defeatists, CO only lost by 33k votes on the wolf reintroduction and some 44k hunters didn't even vote.. I don't want this to be another cautionary tale of how big bad liberals took our heritage away, we need to stand up and get in the fight. I guarantee we lose 100% of the fights we don't get involved in..
Jul 17, 2017
This is incredibly important. This is about more than just lion hunting, this is about protecting the future of hunting in Colorado and other states too. If this proposition passes “trophy hunting” will be codified in statute to include any and all hunting. The use of dogs to aid in hunting will also be captured in statute as “unethical and unsporting”. Once that happens it will open the door for endless lawsuits attacking every single hunting season and method of take. It will also provide the basis for public campaigns and messaging defining any type of hunting as “trophy hunting” as defined in law as we will see a ballot proposition every two years looking to eliminate a specific game species….. next up black bears, then bighorn sheep, then deer and elk.
Aug 14, 2024
I'm an Arizonan but have a few contacts still in Colorado and have been very engaged with them on this issue. They have told me they are slowly seeing the anti-hunting and anti-predator management messaging loosing some steam. Not sure if it's the publicized wolf reintroduction issues, CRWM outreach strategy or the general CO electorate waking up. I'm cautiously optimistic but these things can change direction quickly. I suspect the ballot initiative supporters have seen this and will be adjusting strategy and timing their messaging accordingly.
Jul 17, 2017
This article below is from the Anti-Hunting Policy Center at Colorado State University, essentially the information and polling arm of the anti-hunting movement in Colorado, led by noted anti-hunting, animal rights activist Rebecca Niemiec. Their survey information focuses on mountain lions and black bears. In case there was any question, they are definitely coming with a black bear hunting ban ballot initiative next.

To be honest, if I was a sportsmen and a Colorado State Univ student/alum/booster, I would be pretty upset they are actively aiding the campaign to eliminate hunting in Colorado. Most political campaigns have to pay lobbyist firms to get survey/polling data, apparently the anti hunting campaign gets it for free through our state-funded university in Colorado.
Jun 21, 2023
I just received notification that my CO ballot has been mailed to me.

It’s GO TIME Colorado Roksliders. As hunters and outdoors people, this is a moment for us to UNITE. Get registered to vote if you’re not and don’t stop telling your sphere of influence to VOTE NO on Prop 127 in Colorado.

I have sent a ton of emails, talked to a ton of people and spread the word in the most meaningful ways I think are effective. I do have a yard sign in my yard but to me this is the last line of defense.

Let’s do this.