Colorado deer hunt opinion


Sep 5, 2017
Looking for opinions, I’ve hunted deer in Colorado only once, early rifle up high in the wilderness. OTC archery elk in the unit we were hunting but we were not seeing much for elk hunters as high as we were. Looked like a zoo down low.

Looking to cash in Colorado points (4) on a 3rd season public land deer hunt.

Would you stray away from the units that offered 3rd season OTC elk in preference of a unit that only has LE elk hunters? Or just go in with the thought that at the end of the day there will be elk hunters regardless and pick the unit that lends itself to your style of hunting?
I don’t let the presence of elk hunters change the tags I apply for. In my experience elk hunters in the field in Colorado was a plus. It kept deer on their feet and all the elk hunters wanted to tell you where they saw a good buck.
That was my exact experience on my one and only 3rd season tag 2 years ago.
You'd be eliminating a ton of great country just to avoid otc elk hunters. You'd essentially be limiting yourself to the Gunnison/creede units for big deer potential (if you could draw). I suggest you hunt the unit and country you want and not worry about the OTC dudes. Plenty of great bucks killed during 2nd and 3rd in OTC units.
Not exactly a lot of units you could draw 3rd season with 4 points that have limited elk…

You would be cutting off lots of great deer country
A majority of areas that I would want a third season deer tag have OTC elk. Most of the remaining units either would be less desirable, or you're not drawing with four points as a non-resident.

There are certainly some areas that are easy to draw and have limited elk pressure.

In my opinion, if there's not many tags and they're easy to draw, the hunting probably isn't that good.