Here is the thread in question @Chris_in_Idaho some people (me) got lightly roasted for speculating that the average time between shots would be similar to their own times. It was implied by several people that the speed and accuracy I claimed to be able to accomplish were exaggerated
Can you please point out where someone claimed your times were exaggerated, and what exactly were those times with what rifles?
(to say the least), and that any total time under 3 seconds (or 1.5 seconds shot-to-shot) was the realm of elite shooters.
1.5 seconds splits for
hits on a relatively small target with a bolt action large caliber rifle is getting quite close to the “realm of elite shooters”.
So it’s very clear, below is what I wrote to start-
it’s about 12-16 rounds of 223 from an AR in the time it takes to shoot 2 rounds of 375 from a bolt action. 1 sec for first shot, then between 2 and 3 seconds to reload and place second shot with bolt action 375 for a total of 3 to 4 seconds; versus 1 second for first shot and .15 splits between shots for 12-16 shots with the AR for that same 3 to 4 seconds.
That is a 2 second split. Then, this is what you responded back with-
Respectfully, I doubt it takes anyone in this forum 3 seconds to work a bolt and place another shot with pie plate accuracy at bear-charge distance. I imagine the average time between shots would be less than 2 seconds, and skilled shooters would be around 1 second.
Skilled shooters with a 375h&h, 1 second between shots (splits) for hits? Yes, that is very much an extremely small proportion of shooters that could remotely approach that speed.
It rubbed me the wrong way to be told that I was exaggerating or outright lying about my skill (or that’s how I interpreted some of the comments) ,
especially when my whole point was that I’m an average shooter at best.
No own said you were lying. I said that believing the average hunter is hitting at 1 sec or even 1.5 second splits but a bolt action 375 magnum is not reality.
Hopefully by now it’s at least clear that I’m not a moron for guessing a sub 2.0 second shot—to-shot average, and that I wasn’t lying or exaggerating when I said I could average 1.5 seconds.
You had separate conversation if you believe I, or any comment I saw called you a lier.
@ARK_Ginger did 5x runs with his 30/06 last “for the best chance of success” had two misses and averaged a 1.47 sec split.
@Ozarkansas did 4 strings, not 10, with a 243win not a large caliber bolt action, did not use a timer but “average” split was 1.43 sec.
I shot it 10 times with a 308 bolt action, not a large caliber bolt action and my average split was 1.14 seconds.
@id_jon shot it 10 times with his 308 after warming up with multiple other rifles, and averaged 1.26sec splits.
@Carl Ross did it 10 times with his 22BR and averaged 1.37sec splits.
@ARK_Ginger brother shoot with a 308win and was way over 2 second average- way.
@Chris_in_Idaho shot it 4 times with his 375H&H with an average of 2.06 sec splits.
Hopefully by now it’s at least clear that I’m not a moron for guessing a sub 2.0 second shot—to-shot average, and that I wasn’t lying or exaggerating when I said I could average 1.5 seconds.
Right now we have 7-8 people that have shot it at all, only 3 that shot it correctly for ten strings, none of those 3 used a large caliber bolt action- so what exactly do you believe should be clear? Not one person did the drill with a large caliber bolt action- the subject of the other thread, and the only person that shot one at all was over 2 seconds to run the bolt.