Cat Recipes?


Mar 16, 2024
Looking for more ways to eat a Cat other than burger. Anyone have some suggestions or tried and true recipes?
I’ve had lion like pulled pork and the back straps like a pork chop.
I like the pulled pork idea, I tried some blackstrap and it was really lean and almost rubbery. May have been the way I cooked it that made it turn out that way.
We treat lion and bobcat like pork. It's very lean and white meat. Find a pork stir fry recipe you like and substitute the cat for pork. Also good in pork stew or green chili. Just remember to always cook it thoroughly as cats can carry trichinosis.
Cube up the back straps (1/2”x1”ish). Throw them in a bowl with flour, Johnny seasoning and whatever additional seasoning you want. Fry it for a few mins on each side in a pan with about a 1/2” Worcestershire sauce and oil.
Looking for more ways to eat a Cat other than burger. Anyone have some suggestions or tried and true recipes?
Stir fry, fajitas, kabobs, I've done pulled pork style bbq with a roast. It's all pretty good and it takes on flavor well just remember that it's lean don't overcook it to much but make sure it gets done through.
Thanks for all the input, Chinese restaurants wouldn’t say how they cook cats so this was a great alternative.

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