Carry question (non hunting) UPDATED.

Just throwing out my 2 pennies. Ive carried several different pistols. 1911, glock, full size xd sub compact and revolvers of different sizes. I usually just have a belt holster on my right hip because im too cheap to buy a nice iwb holster. But i always remember this - you dont carry a pistol to feel comfortable. you carry a pistol to feel comfortable.
Outstanding point. In a way I prefer a bit of discomfort because it makes me realize/remember the responsibility of carrying the weapon as well as knowing it is safely there and to manage its presence.
I mentioned earlier but I will repeat, after experimenting with several carry options for a P365 aiwb is my preferred option. I have a Tulster and vedder holster and like both. That thing covers well under a t shirt an anything more makes it disappear.
FWIW, I've carried daily since 1991 and have gone through any number of iterations when it comes to concealed carry. Will not go through the whole litany but the last two pistolas that I've carried are the Glock 43 and the Sig P365.
I had been a Glock guy for daily carry since 2006. Why, because for me they go "BANG" every time.. However I checked out the P365 Sig and have not looked back. I have well over a thousand rounds through mine, and do not recall one jam or failure to fire.

More is usually better and with the Sig, I have the option of 10, 12 and 15 round mags in a compact pistol that I shoot as well or better than most other full size autos, and at near 70, and suffering from old man's butt, its light enough to carry all day without having to always pull my pants up.
Of course, YMMV.



I have a 365XL and its like the right bowl of porridge. big enough to shoot well, small enough to fit in my back pocket or front pocket, providing I’m not wearing my jeggings. I’m talking carrharts. I’m 6’ 200 bit of a modest beer belly so I carry it OSWB in a kydex sheath and I like crossdraw so it’s at 9 or 10 o’clock. Covers fairly well with a loose t shirt.
I'm not your typical bear so take this stuff with a grain of salt. Concealed carry of a gun doesn't make anyone a cop or a hero. You shoot someone and a whole world of shit will slide down and change your life. Life will be a lot easier of you don't shoot anyone.

US Concealed Carry org (I think) has some videos about concealed carry and the various legal stuff that comes with it. They also sell insurance in case you use your gun. NRA carries the same insurance for a bit less.

An LCP will provide adequate self defense and is easy to carry - cargo pant pocket carries it great, even in a pocket holster in your back pocket (looks like a wallet). A guy I work w carries in a pocket holster.

An LC9 is likewise a decent and easy gun. Have some experience with a Sig 938 and it is essentially the same size as LC9. Just big enough that can't carry in back pocket but fits in cargo shorts pocket.
I would love to be able to carry a five-shot snubby or a little auto in my pocket, but I won't carry anything that I can't make reliable hits with at 15 yards. Small guns (particularly snubbies with heavy triggers) are harder to shoot accurately and carrying a small auto in my pocket with a round in the chamber is not something I'm comfortable with. That said, the guns you are considering are both viable and shootable choices.

I set my limit at a car or truck length. 25 ft pretty much - can hit a 4-6 inch section of 2x4 consistently with LCP at 25 ft.

IMO, if you are 45 feet from me (2 car lengths), you are far enough away that, without a gun, you are not a physical threat. Sure someone can do a dash right up to you but if I'm watching, you'll change your mind when you get here, or grab for my wife on the other side of the car.
I would like to say that if you carry in a pocket, and especially if you also have a little sleeve holster on that firearm, you better practice drawing from that position. Seems like it could be pretty slow without adequate training compared to IWB carry
Whatever you carry, make sure you train where you can draw from where you carry and practice reloads from where your extra mag(s) are. I'm a traditionalist in thatbI prefer to carry in the 3 o'clock position with my extra mags at 9 o'clock. Only carry 1911's cocked and locked.

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So I had an interesting experience earlier this week I will share, as I think it pertains to this topic somewhat.

I was pulling out of a farm and fleet store when a truck pulled in and just whipped a fishtail into the gravel lot area spraying rock 50ft plus. No reason besides being a hardass, perhaps to many monster energy drinks.. the gravel proceeded to pelt the entire side of my pickup as I waited on traffic to pull out onto roadway. I tossed in reverse to go and have a chat and he saw me pulling up and took off. I followed out of town as this guy ran two stops signs on a 2 lane highway. I did not run any and upon crossing the second intersection I stopped. I'd had enough time to cool down at this point and among other common sense reasons the fact I actually was carrying influenced my reason to turn around. However justified it felt I was now the aggressor and I was armed. Anyway thought this might help folks that do carry stop and think about it from a more realistic perspective. As these are the types of scenarios we will mostly encounter. It's not going to be like a John Wick movie.
What I suggest to anyone is to define your carry philosophy. Mine is influenced by being an LEO. I have some responsibility to act, so I tend to prefer guns that are easier to shoot accurately at distances beyond the standard “gunfight” ranges of 0 to 7 yards. I also prefer enough capacity to stay in a fight until the end. So, I carry the same exact gun that I carry on duty because I put 4000+ rounds through my duty gun every year at ranges up to 50 yards. When I was issued a Glock 22, I carried a Glock 22. Now that I carry an M&P9 on duty, I carry an M&P9 off duty.

Because I carry a full size gun, I have to wear a suitably stiff belt and a dress around it. That means buying pants a size bigger to accommodate IWB carry, and untucked shirts or a cover jacket. I always carry strong-side because I train that way.

During warm weather, I have to wear a shirt a size bigger to avoid printing. When I say printing, I don’t mean ZERO print because people are far less aware of your gun than you are. I can still wear cargo shorts and a polo and hide a big gun. I often carry on commercial flights and have no indication anyone has identified me as armed.

BUT, if I wasn’t in LE and was only accountable for the survival of myself or my family, I’d likely carry smaller guns that are more comfortable and even easier to hide. I’d do everything I could to not start confrontations and only draw if meant my own survival. Your responsibility is to live for your family.

I also suggest carrying a flashlight. Flashlights can diffuse situations, especially bright ones. Threat identification can also give you valuable time by influencing when you draw.

However you decide to carry, make sure you can draw and reholster safely. Just remember, no one wins gunfights bu being quick to reholster. Safe beats fast.
As far as holsters, I can’t say enough about Cascadia Concealment IWB holsters. You get a lot of input on the holster design. Only the portion of the gun outside of the holster is exposed. This way, I can bend over and move without exposing my gun.

I am a small of back carry guy. Very comfortable to me with a Foxx holster. I can even carry in gym shorts and t-shirt. Taurus 709 slim when needed or Taurus G2C when I have a few more clothes on.
Every gun listed in thia thread are good carry guns. At the end of the day you should handle a bunch of different guns before you by one. Micro 9s are the popular choice now for great reasons and i carry a hellcat which i love. There are also more lcp's in pockets than any other handgun so at the end of the day go with what you like.
Well, I decided to go ahead with the 365. After renting & shooting it alongside the Glock 43, M&P and a couple of other compacts, it just seems to fit right in my hand.
I've got a holster on order from JX Tactical (their Fat Guy aiwb) to try. The factory holster, as I expected, it basically useless for me. I tried it in every conceivable position & it's just a print-o-matic everywhere.
I've got high hopes for the JX but, like a lot of folks mentioned, I'm sure I'll end up trying several before I settle on one.
Well, I decided to go ahead with the 365. After renting & shooting it alongside the Glock 43, M&P and a couple of other compacts, it just seems to fit right in my hand.
I've got a holster on order from JX Tactical (their Fat Guy aiwb) to try. The factory holster, as I expected, it basically useless for me. I tried it in every conceivable position & it's just a print-o-matic everywhere.
I've got high hopes for the JX but, like a lot of folks mentioned, I'm sure I'll end up trying several before I settle on one.
Nice choice.
I've carried a p365 in a sticky holster ever day(shorts, suit pants and jeans) since 18’

I have a cross IWB but imI prefer sticky 99.9% of the time