Carry question (non hunting) UPDATED.

I have been carrying for over a decade, and while you do get used to it, it's still a bit of a pain. I've tried 2, 3, and 4 o'clock many times, and I'm mostly at 2 o'clock since I can conceal it better and be extra sure that I'm not printing. It's usually warm-weather clothes out here in sunny California, and I am paranoid about printing lest I get made by one of the crazy Californians here. If I was living in a cold weather state and regularly wearing jackets, I'd opt for 3 o'clock in a heartbeat as I find it most comfortable.

I am envious of your newfound right, I have to go in next month to renew my 2-year unicorn permit for $250 and write another statement on why I should be allowed to have it.
What's wrong with your AMT .380? Throw some LeHigh's up in that Beyotch and let's roll! (Or hot Barnes XPB's)

I don't have a CCW... yet. Be hard for me to get one I think because I work from home. You have to have what they consider "a good reason" out here. They are "may issue" state. (Grr!) But the lil Sig P238 I have is perfect. Slide it into a "Sticky" pocket holster and there you go. Since it's a 1911 you can carry it "cocked-and-locked" without fear of accidental discharge upon attempting to draw it. It comes standard with nice night sites. And there are standard 6 (flush fit) and 7rd (pinky extension) mags available for it. And that awesome Single-Action trigger! And it's very accurate once you learn how to shoot such a small gun. You not being hostage in Kalifornistan, you could go get a Sig P938 which is the 9mm version of the same pistol! That's the one I'd wanted, but CA doesn't let 'em sell that one here (and many others where the companies didn't pay their extortion money, topic of discussion for another day)

Usually when I'm deer hunting, (in locations which don't have bear) I just take the P238. The idea was so whenever I step away from the pack... or.. when an animal is on the ground and I'm processing it... that P238 goes into my pocket. Because the first deer I got was just before dark... and there were coyotes sounding off not too far from my location that night. And even though I had bearspray with me, I felt I would have been much more at ease with a sidearm I can maintain on my body while my hands are bloodied up. Felt real nervy doing that solo in the middle of the night miles from anything as a n00b my first time at bat. Especially since Trailcams confirmed MtnLions cruise thru there sometimes too.

Also... if your lady needs to carry it... any of them can shoot the P238. It has thee easiest slide to rack out of all the popular .380 compacts I'd narrowed it down to in my search. Easier to slide by a significant margin. Several of them were shockingly surprisingly hard to rack, especially since I wasn't doing it the right way of all fingers on one side grasping into heel of my palm. Just regular ol' thumb and index finger.
I am envious of your newfound right, I have to go in next month to renew my 2-year unicorn permit for $250 and write another statement on why I should be allowed to have it.
What? They seriously make you have to give your reasons AGAIN for them to judge upon each and every freaking TIME!? As if it's not bad enough a mofo has to get creative with a scenario they'll agree to.

I heard the only ones where they readily approve is when like you gotta do deposits at the bank for your company, or like you have your truck with lots of tools and work at on-site locations randomly within their county and thus sometimes end up in shitty hoods. Or various other jobs that have a higher likelihood of people trying to jack you, etc.

None of this let's give it to the guy who's demonstrated a multiple decades long solid continguous work history and immaculate credit rating... home-owner with a child... that doesn't even have any kind of moving violations for multiple decades.

Nay!-Nay!... that would be too easy and you just wouldn't appreciate it then, or so I assume they would think.

And am I correct in my understanding that you can only have up to 3 specific firearms explicitly listed upon your CCW permit? Thought I also remember a friend telling me they also won't like to give one to you if you only have a large caliber pistol such as a .44 Mag? Apparently due to concerns with over-penetration. Is that true?
Glock 19 @ 2-3. Been doing it that way for years after trying other things. Rain or shine, heavy clothes or light. If needed I wear a belt under sweatpants or swim trunks. Shot USPSA with one and it performed very well.

I am a huge fan of consistency.
What? They seriously make you have to give your reasons AGAIN for them to judge upon each and every freaking TIME!? As if it's not bad enough a mofo has to get creative with a scenario they'll agree to.

I heard the only ones where they readily approve is when like you gotta do deposits at the bank for your company, or like you have your truck with lots of tools and work at on-site locations randomly within their county and thus sometimes end up in shitty hoods. Or various other jobs that have a higher likelihood of people trying to jack you, etc.

None of this let's give it to the guy who's demonstrated a multiple decades long solid continguous work history and immaculate credit rating... home-owner with a child... that doesn't even have any kind of moving violations for multiple decades.

Nay!-Nay!... that would be too easy and you just wouldn't appreciate it then, or so I assume they would think.

And am I correct in my understanding that you can only have up to 3 specific firearms explicitly listed upon your CCW permit? Thought I also remember a friend telling me they also won't like to give one to you if you only have a large caliber pistol such as a .44 Mag? Apparently due to concerns with over-penetration. Is that true?
GDog, I'm not sure if an entire fresh statement is required for renewals here in SoCal, but I was told that your original statement still has to be valid or else you need to write a new one. The firearm limit used to be 3, but in my county at least they scrapped the limit. I'm still grateful though that I was able to get one, used to be impossible here. Check if your county will allow you to get one for bowhunting solo in remote areas carrying tons of valuable hunting gear.
I've been carrying for about 35 years. It's a PIA, but I carry pretty much everywhere . That being said, no matter what type of holster you get make sure you get a good belt. Something stiff enough and wide enough to keep your rig in place, it will also help with keeping it high and tight so it's not as obvious. I think average oblivious people have gotten used to the Batman tool belt clips that hold a cellphone with a huge screen and don't concern themselves with bumps around the waistline as much anymore. I normally carry the Glock 48, I have a custom leather OWB slide in that's very nice but I also just shove it behind my hip in my waistband, the only thing exposed is the grip, if I am going to carry it all day like that I will use a soft IWB made by Uncle Mike's, nice steel clip locks it to the belt so you aren't drawing a still holstered pistol. For the range or for attaching it to my back pack I use a paddle style OWB I can slip it off the pack and onto my belt when I get back to camp.
I carry an XDS .45 at the 4-5 o’clock position every single time I leave the house. Additionally I have a couple extra magazines in an ankle band. I have stopped worrying about printing and just use an OWB holster because it’s more comfortable. I don’t think people pay attention anymore and even if someone sees that I have a gun, I don’t really care. What does it really matter?

I used to carry a little pocket .380 but as more and more shootings started happening I decided that I would rather go into a gunfight with as much gun as I can reasonably carry.
I would love to be able to carry a five-shot snubby or a little auto in my pocket, but I won't carry anything that I can't make reliable hits with at 15 yards. Small guns (particularly snubbies with heavy triggers) are harder to shoot accurately and carrying a small auto in my pocket with a round in the chamber is not something I'm comfortable with. That said, the guns you are considering are both viable and shootable choices.

The one bit of advice I would suggest is to spend some money on a good, stiff belt. You'll need it even with P365 class guns. The short barrels mean you have less gun below the belt line and that reduces stability for IWB carry. I started out with an oak-tanned leather belt and found it wasn't enough. If I caught the butt of the gun on a chair, the gun could tip forward or back and come out of my waistband. That is a highly uncomfortable feeling. Invest in a good stiff synthetic gun belt. The one I'm using now is made by Nexbelt.
I have been carrying a p938 for years and i really like it. Its not that much smaller than the 365 which holds double the rounds and the weight difference is basically the ammo, my xl is only a few oz heavier when they're unloaded. I originally decided to get the xl cause of all these ridiculous gun control bills and talk of banning high capacity mags and to have for a bear gun. After carrying both, having 6-7 rounds of 9mm is not as comforting as being able to choose between 12 or 15 rounds, bear country or in the city. After shooting it i decided to try carrying it, and i really like it. I will still carry the p938 if im super concerned about imprinting and its a great little gun
I have a small gut (sticks out about 2 inches over my belt) and appendix carry a HK-45c. I use a holster I made myself, so I'm no help in that department. For a belt, I have had great luck with these

My first one lasted about 8 years. They look nice, and support even 3 lb wheel guns. They are thick though, not a good option for under a pack belt.
5'9 210 stocky build, I ended up with the glock 45 9mm. The full size grip which the 43x has makes it shooter friendly. I carry at the 4 O'clock position and I've carried it appendix with the same holster. I've also taken two classes with it. A good belt will make any gun carry well also.

Dog will hunt, dog will hunt.
My everyday carry is a G26 appendix carry, but I plan on getting a P365.
I also have a G19 that I carry at 4 o'clock, but I rarely carry it because I have the 26.
Appendix carry is not for everyone. I'm not husky, but I can see how it can be uncomfortable for someone that is husky.
I suggest trying various carry positions to see what best suits you. Also get a good "gun belt". It makes a world of difference compare to a regular leather belt.
I've tried pocket carry, it's wasn't for me (just my preference.)

Whether you feel you need to carry is up to you. I live in a good area & I have never ran into a situation where I needed to draw my pistol. But my thoughts are: I rather have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
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Years ago when I got my first handgun a Beretta Px4 Storm 9mm full size I focused on getting training. Four trips to Front Sight for the 4 day defense handgun class and other training keeps the skills intact. I have moved on to 1911's and my EDC now is a commander size 9mm either the Kimber Pro Carry II or DW Guardian 9mm. If I shoot my RIA 10mm a bit more I may carry that but with a 5" barrel and all steel it's a tad heavy. I always carry between 3 and 4 o'clock with 2 extra mags on the weak side. SC may go open carry and if they do I will get a nice OWB holster. What ever you decide to buy and where to carry it get some formal training.

Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk
I’m in a similar boat as our sheriff is now CCW friendly. Really like the sig 238 for a super small pocket carry but also looking at getting a S&W 642 or Glock 48. 10 round mag limits suck...
Sir, You list a big range of carry guns Ruger 44 to AMT 380 ? Lots of money being spent on guns holster and ammo at this point in our world. Different guns for different uses is understandable, but in your home state for EDC finding a combination that provides safety, accessibility on your body and fits your hand is paramount. Ive found that people who pocket carry are more likely to "print" and have a more difficult time accessing the weapon when needed. Not to mention the issues of pocket clutter interfering with access and weapon functioning. Pocket holsters are a form of deep cover and can present complex challenges with access.

The other thing is that small guns are much more difficult to shoot well than most gun shop commandos will admit. Liability dictates that we are responsible for every shot fired, both hitting the intended target and unintended. A subcompact or micro pistol seems nice until we see what our individual limitations are on the range, choose carefully only after testing on the range. You may find a mid size gun like the G19 , P320 Carry or P365 XL more to you liking.

The same selection issues apply to holsters, what works for me may not work for you. I happen to like the Askins Avenger style holster as it rides between the 4 and 230 positions well and holds the gun high where your able to cover it with your arm in a tussle. Check out Milt Sparks 55BN holsters. Being new to the CC world you may want to keep things simple at first, don't fall into the crowd that you need to get fancy (complicated), a strong belt holster that positions the gun in the same spot all the time and holds the gun close to your body will conceal. I have an "ever expanding" mid section and the inside the waistband holsters are just not comfortable with mid sized and full sized guns that I shoot well. Also, the best holster will perform poorly without a good GUN belt, not a pants belt. A good belt stabilizes the holster and weapon, holds it in place so you get the advantages of muscle memory under stress.
Years ago when I got my first handgun a Beretta Px4 Storm 9mm full size I focused on getting training. Four trips to Front Sight for the 4 day defense handgun class and other training keeps the skills intact. I have moved on to 1911's and my EDC now is a commander size 9mm either the Kimber Pro Carry II or DW Guardian 9mm. If I shoot my RIA 10mm a bit more I may carry that but with a 5" barrel and all steel it's a tad heavy. I always carry between 3 and 4 o'clock with 2 extra mags on the weak side. SC may go open carry and if they do I will get a nice OWB holster. What ever you decide to buy and where to carry it get some formal training.

Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk
I love my PX4's! I have the FS and a SC, both in 9mm. I shoot them incredibly well and I just think they are really great looking guns. It's clearly not popular based on the unfortunate lack of companies making CC holsters for them.
I would love to be able to carry a five-shot snubby or a little auto in my pocket, but I won't carry anything that I can't make reliable hits with at 15 yards. Small guns (particularly snubbies with heavy triggers) are harder to shoot accurately and carrying a small auto in my pocket with a round in the chamber is not something I'm comfortable with. That said, the guns you are considering are both viable and shootable choices.
hetic gun belt. The one I'm using now is made by Nexbelt.
Seriously... check into the Sig P238 P938 man... they are VERY accurate! 15yd is no problem. Especially since it's a SA trigger. And the manual 1911 safety on it is stiff, there's no way it's getting taken off safety by accident.
I’m in a similar boat as our sheriff is now CCW friendly. Really like the sig 238 for a super small pocket carry but also looking at getting a S&W 642 or Glock 48. 10 round mag limits suck...
That I remember.... You can't get a Glock 48 in our state... unless you hunt for a Private Party transfer from somebody moving into the state. And usually they want a bit above list price since there is that demand.
Both solid choices. I shot the p365 better. That and the extra rounds over the 43 tilted me to the sig. it is really an elegant design for a 10 round carry gun. Very shootable.

FWIW I am part of the husky crowd but TBH I don’t have much of a gut. I carry aiwb in a Vedder holster. The only time I find it a challenge is during long drives. I have played with 4, 5 and 6 o’clock carry but never felt the gun concealed as well as 2 o’clock appendix carry. I also run the pinky extension (no extra rounds) on my magazine which gives me a full grip.

if you haven’t, I would try a p365 xl. The only thing that could make me give up my p365 is an xl with a micro red dot.

I have and shoot a ton of glocks but TBH it is frustrating to buy one and then change out sights and a few other parts to get it shooting like I want (I add sights, aftermarket mag releases and trigger connectors to my glocks). if I went glock 43x I would step up for a few of the shield arms 15-round magazines. One comparison I read between the 43x and the 365 xl was that the 43x felt like a small version of a big gun and the 365xl felt like a big version of a small gun.