
Lots of people say be a nurse.

I’m a nurse and have been for 8 years. If I could do it over again, I would go into respiratory therapy. Pay is on par with nursing, schedule is the same in hospitals (three 12s), demand is at a premium. If you are ok with dealing with snot then got it made. I’ve yet to meet an RT who gives baths, wipes butts, dissempacts constipated patients, inserts Foley catheters etc.

And I have nothing against RTs (before people get pissy). I love every one of them I work with and they are essential to healthcare.
What state are you in? It’s crazy how many details you just named that we have in common.
I’ve definitely been there, just many years in the past…staring down the end of a football career, not sure what the hell to do, just wishing I could get paid to hunt and fish.

I’m in Wisconsin right now. Went to high school in Utah. I’ve moved around quite a bit growing up though.

Where are you at?

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I’m in Wisconsin right now. Went to high school in Utah. I’ve moved around quite a bit growing up though.

Where are you at?

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Indiana. Only place I’ve ever lived.

My advice would be 1.) chase a career where you can ultimately make enough money to spend time with your own kids someday 2.) when you have kids, THAT’S where you scratch the coaching itch…but only if you’ve earned enough wealth and freedom to be able to do so! 3.) Go hard young. Work hard, grind, make risky investments (you have plenty of time to make that money back later, but you gotta roll the dice in order to win big), get up earlier than everyone else, and just outwork them until you’re wealthy. You’ll wanna take it slower later, so put in your sweat equity now.

OK, I know 24 year old’s just want a damn answer, not tons of bullshit figurative wisdom…construction equipment business. Go look up who the Caterpillar dealer is in your state. It’s called Fabick. There’s big money and football culture in that yellow iron. If you wanna move a state over, Michigan Cat is even better. If you wanna move back home, it’s Wheeler Cat. That career path will bridge you to damn near every other interest you’ve mentioned in this whole thread!
Lots of people say be a nurse.

I’m a nurse and have been for 8 years. If I could do it over again, I would go into respiratory therapy. Pay is on par with nursing, schedule is the same in hospitals (three 12s), demand is at a premium. If you are ok with dealing with snot then got it made. I’ve yet to meet an RT who gives baths, wipes butts, dissempacts constipated patients, inserts Foley catheters etc.

And I have nothing against RTs (before people get pissy). I love every one of them I work with and they are essential to healthcare.
GF is a CT/Rad tech shes making more traveling then nurses are.
Mutual friend is an Resp. tech shes making CRAZY money as a traveler
Nurses earn very respectable pay and their schedules are excellent. My son is a flight nurse and he has enough time off to work two jobs and still hunt and fish a bunch. They never have to worry about having a job and every small town in America needs them. Solid career choice, especially if you are a male.
I’m a ER nurse. I work three days a week as a full timer and usually schedule myself a 6 on/8 off schedule during hunting season and in the summer when my wife and kids are off from school. Money has been crazy good for the past few years and plenty of time for fun. That being said, as cliche as it sounds it takes a special person to be a nurse especially right now with the abuse from the public. I love my job and wouldn’t change it but I have thick skin and a heart for those truly ill/kids/elderly. I’ve seen plenty of people who have become nurses for the wrong reasons been truly miserable.
I’m at a bit of a crossroads right now. I’ve been feeling like it’s time to really commit to a career path. I’d like to be able to hunt quite a bit and make decent money as well. What are people doing, any recommendations or opinions would be great.
Land surveyor. Average age is near retirement and extremely difficult to find people
Lots of people say be a nurse.

I’m a nurse and have been for 8 years. If I could do it over again, I would go into respiratory therapy. Pay is on par with nursing, schedule is the same in hospitals (three 12s), demand is at a premium. If you are ok with dealing with snot then got it made. I’ve yet to meet an RT who gives baths, wipes butts, dissempacts constipated patients, inserts Foley catheters etc.

And I have nothing against RTs (before people get pissy). I love every one of them I work with and they are essential to healthcare.

Demand for RT is at an all time high. My guess is because a bunch of experienced people quit due to ptsd with covid.

I started RT school and switched to BSN. During the pandemic I was so happy I made that switch. Our RT were run ragged. Every code and rapid response. Every transfer to ICU when we all knew odds of leaving were low. It was miserable for them.

We all learned how to titrate cpap/bipap and vent controls because there just were not enough RT to keep up. Holy cats I'm glad that's over.
I have a 4-year construction management degree and work as a Project Manager for a large GC. I have definitely outworked my peers and have risen very quickly in the company. I am making just over $100K as a 26-year-old with 2 kids. I love what I do and don't ever see myself doing anything else. This is all I know and while the hours do wear on you, if you truly love what you do the hours are much more manageable.
I really appreciate all the advice and insight that’s been given on this thread and it’s been great to see other people benefit from it as well. I hope it can be a good resource to some others in my situation in the future.

I’ve started looking very heavily into purchasing a business. I’ve looked at a few and found some I think would accomplish my goals and provide a good life for my future family.

That being said is their anyone thats been through the process of buying a small or medium sized business? I have a few questions that I’d hate some extra insight on.

Thanks again everybody
Land surveying is a good option if you get an associates or bachelor's degree for it and plan to get a professional license. Unlicensed party chiefs aren't making six figures where I live. If you can pass the license tests in multiple states, you can enable a company to pursue work across a larger region and leverage yourself into a great salary.
Tenured professor at a large university. Teach one undergraduate course and one graduate course per year. Make my own hours apart from the teaching schedule. I publish two papers per year on average and write grant proposals.
If you want good pay, flexible hours, and the possibility of being a firefighter later on go into nursing. Its one of the few jobs so saturated with women men have an advantage with hiring (help lift heavy patients, less drama, etc.). If you so choose you can work 3 days a week 12 hours a day. One of the best ways to become a firefighter is to be an RN two of my cousins have taken this pathway.
The main downside is all of the work drama that comes with working with mostly women because all they do is complain about each other. But if you go to work just to get your stuff done and avoid the drama its an easy high paying career.
I’m 46 and still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. Definitely need a change. Just spent 12 hours behind a computer screen today in and it’s brutal. Make decent money being a mechanical engineer. Companies are paying premium for new electrical, mechanical, and process engineers with ZERO experience.

Actually, mechanics and electricians where I work make more than salaries managers!

My son really, really wants to be a cop. If their pay wasn’t absolute crap (compared to the liability), I would love to do it with him…but I need to support everyone in the family right now. Golden handcuff deal.

“I’ve thought about being a cop more than a few times. It’s still definitely on my radar.”
I’ve been thinking about construction management a bit. Helicopter pilot, airline pilot, Cop. For a long time I wanted to coach college football (I’ve been playing in college, just had to end that due to an elbow surgery), I also decided I wanted to be able to hunt more and coaching doesn’t lend much time to that.

I’ve always been very entrepreneurial, started little businesses all through high-school and a couple in college. I did sales and I was decent at that but I don’t love it all the time. Worked construction and didn’t mind that. I’m good with people and I’d say I’m a good leader. I get bored with doing the same thing over and over and I enjoy being active at work. I thought it would be cool to be a wildlife photographer and I love photography but there’s not much money in that at all. It’s been hard to commit because I have so many different things I enjoy and so many different ideas.

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Dont get into law enforement. That career has completely changed. Not what it used to be.
I’d focus on getting a business of your own going and not worry about hunting for now.
When you’re making bank you can hunt whenever and wherever you want.

That goes for meeting to guys at the bar every night and watching sports.

If you put your head down and get after it in 10-15yrs you’ll be set for life.

The world is your oyster

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I've somewhat followed this path. Busted my ass for 15 years in Corporate finance and accounting.

This year started my own business consulting at the end of last year and I'm on pace to clear north of $250K this year.

I have hunted some the last 10 years, but it's definitely been just fit it in as I can.

Booked my first elk hunt this year, and already have at least 1 hunt planned every other year and potentially 1 a year for the forseeable future. If I have the time.

Work hard, get yourself in a good position, then do the big trips.