
Every fireman I know is home more than at work, the pension with benefits is unreal, and they all have businesses or second jobs. The economy never effects them either
some how we have a country full of people that never work and apparently enjoy it
Journeymen Lineman, chase the big money storms or polish insulators for local power authorities. Economy never affects them either
I’m 46 and still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. Definitely need a change. Just spent 12 hours behind a computer screen today in and it’s brutal. Make decent money being a mechanical engineer. Companies are paying premium for new electrical, mechanical, and process engineers with ZERO experience.

Actually, mechanics and electricians where I work make more than salaries managers!

My son really, really wants to be a cop. If their pay wasn’t absolute crap (compared to the liability), I would love to do it with him…but I need to support everyone in the family right now. Golden handcuff deal.

“I’ve thought about being a cop more than a few times. It’s still definitely on my radar.”
See post #144. Sorry to rain on your parade, but the pursuit of a career in law enforcment is not in your best interest.
I’m at a bit of a crossroads right now. I’ve been feeling like it’s time to really commit to a career path. I’d like to be able to hunt quite a bit and make decent money as well. What are people doing, any recommendations or opinions would be great.
Fire has been good to me
Only fans content creator…. Great schedule and income. Very flexible…. Literally and metaphorically
+1 on this. I think that one girl on tiktok does this. IDK maybe she hunts and you guys could link up or something.
You couldn't pay me enough to deal with some the Sh!thead kids that teachers have to deal with.
A hunting buddy teaches high school - a schit head girl had schit head parents and finally at a parent teacher conference he said, “I give up, just tell me what grade she deserves and I’ll write it down and we won’t have to argue every week about all the work she doesn’t do.” They should have taken him up on it. Lol
That's not the max $

What age do teachers get retirement?

School is in session during most hunting seasons.

You couldn't pay me enough to deal with some the Sh!thead kids that teachers have to deal with.
My mom teaches middle school. I just shake my head at the stuff she deals with.
Depends where you are looking to live, as others mentioned a Career as a municipal fire fighter can check both pay and time off boxes. Lineman is a good gig too but they very rarely have large amounts of time off, but the pay is substantial 250k+ a year.

I am in the first career my brother is in the second. He makes 50-75K a year more than me but I hunt 3 times as much. Just depends what route you want to go, how dedicated you are and what you like. Both he and I have very rewarding careers that we both enjoy.
Don’t forget that fireman hours are also, sleeping, working out, training, but usually not 12 hours onsite WORKING then driving home or to a motel.
Right after college I worked for 8 years in technology/software development for a major corporation. Pay was great, but couldn’t stand sitting at a desk and staring at a computer all day. 5 years ago I got hired as a firefighter and love it. Can get 10 days off with a couple shift trades and not even touch vacation. If I could do it all over again I’d start in one of the trades (electrician or plumbing) and run my own business or do it on the side of firefighting.
nice Ram, see you are from Co, I’m with old Dfd, you work for a metro department?
I really appreciate all the advice and insight that’s been given on this thread and it’s been great to see other people benefit from it as well. I hope it can be a good resource to some others in my situation in the future.

I’ve started looking very heavily into purchasing a business. I’ve looked at a few and found some I think would accomplish my goals and provide a good life for my future family.

That being said is their anyone thats been through the process of buying a small or medium sized business? I have a few questions that I’d hate some extra insight on.

Thanks again everybody

I would HIGHLY recommend working for the business you’re planning on buying BEFORE you buy it. With no experience working in whatever niche that business exists in, your odds of failure or a STEEP and painful learning curve are going to be about 100%.

As some others have mentioned, I’d look hard at residential remodeling/trades work. This is somewhat area specific…absolutely NO UNIONS and you may have to relocate to a place that’s growing fast. If you’ve got a good work ethic and half decent head on your shoulders, you’ll go straight to the top. I worked my way up to starting a business in 3 years. 7 years in, I’m making 150k/year, with an extremely flexible schedule and way too much hunting time off. I’ve been able to stay in the 50-100 days/year in the field from the beginning. That being said, I had ZERO social life or other hobbies. I was 100% focused with all my time/resources on time in the field. Now I’ve got two kiddos, so it’s slowing me down a little. But not much haha

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I was in the same shoes as you at pretty much the same time in life. I started a business with 50 bucks and I hunt more than most people do now 5 years later. My thoughts are you are good at sales and have business experience in the past so go that route. The other options are good but I would bet you won’t get total fulfillment from it in your life. It will be good and be a good lifestyle but you could easily do more. If I was to go back and do school I would go into accounting. Work hard all spring and have all fall off and make good money. But business provides all opportunities and dreams you can think of. Yes it could fail but I would rather rely on myself than someone else.

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Isn't getting into fire fighting very very competitive?

It is, but not as bad as it used to be. There are large number of applicants but about half can’t interview or need to seek out meaningful experience to be competitive. New guys who have their medic card are getting multiple job offers every year. I’m speaking for Ca as that’s where I work. Hasn’t been an easier time to get hired in the last 20 years.
It is, but not as bad as it used to be. There are large number of applicants but about half can’t interview or need to seek out meaningful experience to be competitive. New guys who have their medic card are getting multiple job offers every year. I’m speaking for Ca as that’s where I work. Hasn’t been an easier time to get hired in the last 20 years.
Interesting, I may have to look at that the .