Can You Show Some Bucks With Known Scores?

I unfortunately don't have any pics of any big bucks to share, but for the sake of posting a pic here's 1 that I have a few cam pics from this year.

I'd air guess 135 ish but wouldn't be too surprised if someone with more experience thinks he's even smaller.



If I assume that his eye circumference is 4" and his ear is 8" I got 115 from the B&C calculator. I don't think he's that small though? Open to feedback on if there's any glaring errors in this or if I just slightly underestimated everything and it added up...

I think you are pretty short on that buck. There's not a great anchor point of known length to start from to extrapolate the lengths. But my sitting at the backyard campfire on my phone numbers hit like this:
G1 1"
G2 13-14"
G3 7"
G4 6"
MB 20"

x2 = 94-96"

Spread credit 20"
Mass Total 28"
= 142-144"

And it wouldn't shock me if you put a tape on him and he nudges up close to 150" gross.

It takes a crab claw, willow horned, small framed 4x4 muley to be under 140". He doesn't look like that to me, and he looks like he's going to be a serious big buck in another 2-3 years if he could make it.
I unfortunately don't have any pics of any big bucks to share, but for the sake of posting a pic here's 1 that I have a few cam pics from this year.

I'd air guess 135 ish but wouldn't be too surprised if someone with more experience thinks he's even smaller.



If I assume that his eye circumference is 4" and his ear is 8" I got 115 from the B&C calculator. I don't think he's that small though? Open to feedback on if there's any glaring errors in this or if I just slightly underestimated everything and it added up...

I think you are short on G2, G3 and G4. I also think his main beams are a little longer and is inside spread is a little wider. I bet you're leaving around 20 inches off of him. Go score a couple deer and I think that will help you a little bit.
I think you are short on G2, G3 and G4. I also think his main beams are a little longer and is inside spread is a little wider. I bet you're leaving around 20 inches off of him. Go score a couple deer and I think that will help you a little bit.
Ya. I think my air guess is a lot closer than my calculated score on that one.

I don’t have anywhere to go see many bucks but these pics have been helpful.

I struggle with some of the heavy bucks thinking they’d be about 10” bigger, especially the 160 bucks thinking they’d break 170.
Ya. I think my air guess is a lot closer than my calculated score on that one.

I don’t have anywhere to go see many bucks but these pics have been helpful.

I struggle with some of the heavy bucks thinking they’d be about 10” bigger, especially the 160 bucks thinking they’d break 170.
They are tricky to judge. I have misjudged quite a few. Even if you can get your hands on some sheds go score them, or go into a taxidermy shop and score them.
Typicals can be hard to judge! Love the ground growage instead of shrinkage
Yes, they are. This one is my first big buck. When I shot him I thought he was just another 22 inch 4X4. When I walked up to him I was just blown away by his size. His antlers came out to his ears (26 inches) and his body was stretched out like an elk ! I had no idea they could get so big. We packed him out like an elk, 4 quarters and the neck, on horses. At camp, I weighed all the pieces and he weighed 306 lbs. without the lower legs. He is still the biggest bodied buck I've ever taken.
Montana 76 Big Mo.jpg
176 green, >26" outside spread
30 years later he's just a hair over 25"

Interesting to compare this buck with the 176" in post #26
Quite similar.
Really nice back tines on lundellhunting7's buck


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They are tricky to judge. I have misjudged quite a few. Even if you can get your hands on some sheds go score them, or go into a taxidermy shop and score them.

I went up to Cabelas over the weekend but they don't have scores posted on any of them anymore. And in Wisconsin they only had like 4 mule deer in the entire store lol.

I snapped a few pics and will post some estimates later.

This has been helpful so far! Thanks to all who have posted.
So I went back and scored this one. "Air guess" was 180-185, but plugging in numbers to the B&C calculator I ended up with 193... Net of 175, but I'm assuming 176 is gross score?

He's got decent width, forks, reasonable mass, and I figured 6" of extras...

Any assumptions way off here or did I just add an inch to everything across the board basically?


First guess on this one would probably have been low 170s because he doesn't have giant back forks. Looking a bit more I could probably have added 10" from the mass and longer eye guards though to get to about 180.

Adding him up on the sheet I got 190 but I had seen the score already so I'm guessing I may have added an inch here and there knowing he was bigger than I thought.

Not too bad on this one, I'd be fine if I was generally +/- 5 inches, but on this one and the last one my initial guesses weren't great.