When I was younger i spent some good time traveling in the Himalayas ( sikkim, Bhutan, Nepal) hiking into remote villages to explore. in Bhutan I came across 2 temples that had Tibetan mastiffs chained with irons to posts you have to walk past them to enter the temple. This was in both deep paro valley and another valley close by , Haa valley.
The Mastiffs they can’t reach you because of the chains but they are fierce. And are snapping at the iron chain trying to bite you .. going crazy. Idk if it was because I was a foreigner or if they were this pisswd with everyone but it was terrifying.
The monks turn them lose at night to keep off snow leopards , bears, whatever other predators are in the mtns. These temples are way off the path no roads you have to walk in mikes on dirt trails.
They are huge easily 130+ lbs. way bigger than an a big Anatolian LGD. thick dirty coats with blood and excrement dried on them, they smell terrible and 2 ( they chained them in pairs ) of them would overpower just about any human I can think of.
If you’ve never seen one here’s a domesticated one size comparison to a regular 70 lb dog.
They eat apparently animal feces, bones. leftovers from the temple, carcasses and whatever animals they can kill.
Sky burial is the funerary rites in this part of the world.
and I’m sure they have gotten into leftover human remains.
I have no idea who chains and unchains them apparently one of the monks who raised them.
In my opinion They would ragdoll any domesticated dog quickly. And I think they would overwhelm a majority % of unarmed humans.