A couple things to respond to the above. I don't think the "reach" is any different than any other stock I've used. Must be an optical illusion with the photo.
I gave up on this project and sold the rifle. When I ordered the stock, I was told by Stocky's that the only thing I would need to do is "inlet" the bolt release tab. The rest would be "drop in". I took a dremel and inletted the tab. Easy so far...I went to add the bottom metal and it didn't fit. After a little more dremel work, I got the bottom metal to fit. However, the bolt would not pick up rounds out of the mag so the depth wasn't quite right. The gun shot lights out and the balance/feel was fantastic with the new stock feeding it one at a time, but I could not get it to feed reliable. I put the original stock back on the rifle and sold it. End of project...Anyone want to buy a "dremmeled" Proof Stock for cheap?