Bundy's Won in Oregon and Mistrail in Nevada


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
I read somewhere that there is uranium on the land in question...is that true? That uranium was supposedly the underlying factor of this whole incident. I ask because the fake news anymore is outrageous. I don't believe a single thing that the MSM puts out.

I gotta add.....I've been following news and politics my whole life, and I've never seen the constant negative press this bad. Relentless,...F em all.
Dec 29, 2016
Reno, NV
They were stealing from you and I. Feds handled it bad. All these folks running livestock on public land are raping the land, our land , that is bad enough, but to not pay for that usage is no more than theft.

I tend to believe you. In some areas I was hunting on public land here in Nevada, I was amazed at how much cow traffic there was and how it affected my hunting use of the land. There were some places absolutely covered in manure. Another thing I hated was when the entire mountain side is covered with cows, stalking takes on a whole new reality.

As for using land that is not yours to make money.. I definitely agree with you, the Bundy's were steeling from us all. I have seen something similar behind my house in which horse and dog competitors were monopolizing BLM land and pushing out all the other lawful users. When I called to complain to the BLM, they stopped because they almost lost their permit. But it was a pain dealing with the BLM. Luckily no one was shot.
Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia
Once again, I’m not upto speed on this topic. But, if I remember correctly, it had to do with state rights and a water rights issue in question. I’m pretty sure from memory that the Hindus has verification from the state that they owned the water rights. Maybe even the grazing rights. If that’s correct, how is it they were stealing from the public?

Like I said, I could be wrong or confusing this. But, I keep reading on this thread where the Bundys are criminals and thief’s. Please educate me if that is true. Or correct me if I’ve remembered this wrong.
Apr 1, 2013
Once again, I’m not upto speed on this topic. But, if I remember correctly, it had to do with state rights and a water rights issue in question. I’m pretty sure from memory that the Hindus has verification from the state that they owned the water rights. Maybe even the grazing rights. If that’s correct, how is it they were stealing from the public?

Like I said, I could be wrong or confusing this. But, I keep reading on this thread where the Bundys are criminals and thief’s. Please educate me if that is true. Or correct me if I’ve remembered this wrong.

Long story shorty not all BLM offices are equal. He wasn’t happy with how BLM was running BLM. Things includes grazing allotments dictated by special interest groups and BLM’s lack of re-investment. He tried to pay the county for his leases instead of BLM, obviously they wouldn’t take it it.

Then special interests pushed to have his cattle rounded up that where at large on BLM Land.

I don’t agree with his actions( I would of found new profession, before I free loaded) but I do know that BLM office are not all created equal, and special interests have moved in management roles. So far the Bundy’s where able in court to basically prove those biases and prejudices.

There won’t be a re-trail, judge did the government a save face favor
Apr 1, 2013
I read somewhere that there is uranium on the land in question...is that true? That uranium was supposedly the underlying factor of this whole incident. I ask because the fake news anymore is outrageous. I don't believe a single thing that the MSM puts out.

I gotta add.....I've been following news and politics my whole life, and I've never seen the constant negative press this bad. Relentless,...F em all.

Who knows but I thought they finally called the ball on him for ES protections on the desert tortoise, but that may not even be true


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
I ask because the fake news anymore is outrageous. I don't believe a single thing that the MSM puts out.

And yet people just keep gobbling it up as fast as they can and spewing out the same tripe that the MSM puts out without knowing any of the facts about anything.

But I can't completely blame the MSM. It's like taking the news and info from the National Enquirer as fact and people living their lives as such from that. If people won't do their own homework, they deserve the fake news they crave. Sad state of affairs these days.

Reagan had an OK motto with "trust but verify", but I prefer to live by "verify then you'll distrust".


Mar 4, 2012
They only own 160 acres, paid to graze on public land for a number of years until stopping in 1993 and lost numerous court cases related to his claims he didn't need to pay. The whole group are freeloaders.


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Oct 18, 2016
not only deadbeat freeloaders, you can add poaching and arson to this fine upstanding family


Nov 28, 2016
What's the status on that Paine fella?

He was the pulling alot of the levers in Oregon after inserting himself into the Nevada situation. The Bundy boys get the "credit" for OR but they we're mostly fronts who didn't really understand how badly they were being manipulated.

The Bundy's are basically welfare cheats and racists, but they aren't nearly as dangerous as Paine.

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Dec 25, 2012
I tend to believe you. In some areas I was hunting on public land here in Nevada, I was amazed at how much cow traffic there was and how it affected my hunting use of the land. There were some places absolutely covered in manure. Another thing I hated was when the entire mountain side is covered with cows, stalking takes on a whole new reality.

As for using land that is not yours to make money.. I definitely agree with you, the Bundy's were steeling from us all. I have seen something similar behind my house in which horse and dog competitors were monopolizing BLM land and pushing out all the other lawful users. When I called to complain to the BLM, they stopped because they almost lost their permit. But it was a pain dealing with the BLM. Luckily no one was shot.

So public lands should only be used for your hunting benefit.....Gotcha. ;)


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
The Bundy's are basically welfare cheats and racists, ...

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I'm not a Bundy family fan--know very little about them--but take a quick moment if you would and please provide a link to substantiate that "racist" label...I'll wait....

I'm sick and tired of people throwing that sh!t around with zero proof. To me the lowest form of life is a racist (or pedophile), so you'll understand why I get pissed off when the term is used without proof.


Feb 24, 2012
I'm not a Bundy family fan--know very little about them--but take a quick moment if you would and please provide a link to substantiate that "racist" label...I'll wait....

I'm sick and tired of people throwing that sh!t around with zero proof. To me the lowest form of life is a racist (or pedophile), so you'll understand why I get pissed off when the term is used without proof.

Yeah it has gotten old how easily people will just toss that “term” around these days.


Jun 30, 2016
I'm not a Bundy family fan--know very little about them--but take a quick moment if you would and please provide a link to substantiate that "racist" label...I'll wait....

I'm sick and tired of people throwing that sh!t around with zero proof. To me the lowest form of life is a racist (or pedophile), so you'll understand why I get pissed off when the term is used without proof.

Well their White. I thought all us Whites were racist. That’s what I’ve been hearing anyway.

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Nov 28, 2016
I'm not a Bundy family fan--know very little about them--but take a quick moment if you would and please provide a link to substantiate that "racist" label...I'll wait....

I'm sick and tired of people throwing that sh!t around with zero proof. To me the lowest form of life is a racist (or pedophile), so you'll understand why I get pissed off when the term is used without proof.
There's literally footage of him saying black people would be better off if they were still field hands.

I'm the last person to toss the racist term around. Honestly. Its the cowards way out of most arguments these days. These assholes are different, they co-opted a bunch of "causes" in order to rob the taxpayers. Not who I want "speaking for me".

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Sep 23, 2016
Not knowing anyone involved in the situation, I can't speak directly for the eldest Bundy but in regards to the racist comment I do feel he was badly taken out of context. If memory serves me correct he was pretty much saying that after seeing large percentages of African-American peoples in govt. subsidized housing, on welfare, etc... he wondered if they would have been better off in slavery where they worked for at least a wage (albeit a very small one) and were awarded privileges like travel and vacations. In the same conversation if I remember right he praised the Hispanic community for how hard they worked and the legal citizens for becoming legal citizens but nobody ever seems to remember that. While he probably could have phrased aspects of his discussion better, I don't think he was intentionally trying to be a racist.

I'm not defending them or their actions in the slightest, but looking at the whole context I certainly didn't pickup on any true form of racism. I never saw anything from them advocating that slavery was right or that minorities were somehow less people than whites. He was simply criticizing the welfare system and probably chose his words poorly from what I can tell.


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
There's literally footage of him saying black people would be better off if they were still field hands.

Thanks for the reply, I'll google that as you didn't. If he in fact said that, he's a total scumbag.

I read something yesterday about the head of Papa John's Pizza John Schmatter stepping down. Business Insider linked him to "The Daily Stormer" a website they referred to as "White Supremacist." I suspect it's total bullsh!t, but that's the way the left rolls with fake news. One has to research everything with an air of skepticism.


Jun 19, 2017
There's literally footage of him saying black people would be better off if they were still field hands.

I'm the last person to toss the racist term around. Honestly. Its the cowards way out of most arguments these days. These assholes are different, they co-opted a bunch of "causes" in order to rob the taxpayers. Not who I want "speaking for me".

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You've omitted the entire context of that statement. The statement (paraphrased) was that the affirmative action political movement has manipulated the African American population to voluntarily submit to the government in exchange for "assistance" that they in fact don't need. In other words, he was saying that they were more free when they were angry enough to stand up for themselves in contrast to generations of entitlements.

I'm more interested in listening to both sides of this land battle, but making unsubstantiated claims or misconstruing statements does significant damage to one's credibility, regardless of which side you're on.


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Oct 18, 2016
from Politico (story talks about Senators Rand Paul and Dean Heller condemning Bundy’s comments

“They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton,” Bundy said over the weekend, according to the Times. “And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”