Bugle report

Still nothing in central colorado. I thought they would be bugling like mad but I've only heard one In 4 days.or Maybe I just can't find the elk 🤣. Did manage to call in my first hunter today so my calling must be decent at least
Opening day September 6th through 9th I hunted north Idaho, I did not hear a single bugle. Had to go back to work, I will be at again September 19 through the 28th They should be talking by then
We had 3 bulls going on there own over the weekend, got in between Elvis and Grumpy but they both shut down around 8 am.
Very strange. Opening archery in NW Wyoming today. One half-hearted bugle from a little guy. But nothing else.

It was pretty smoky so we were wondering if maybe that is messing with their sense of smell and shutting them up?
Not a peep in MT on Monday or Tuesday. Heard two bulls on Saturday. One bull this morning with a handful of cows. I pushed pretty close (this is about the 4th time I've been on him including Saturday) but he'd quit bugling. I waited to see if he'd sound off again before I moved. I heard one bugle that sounded a long way but I couldn't pinpoint it. I moved about 30 yards or so to where I thought I could hear better. Apparently they got a snort full of me because they busted after I sat there a few minutes. I thought I still had a good wind so not sure what happened. I've moved back uphill and sitting here sulking now and looking at a wallow.🤬🤬🤬
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I hunted the first 7 days and only got one bull to give me a a couple of half hearted bugles back. This was at 250 yards and I could see him. He just was not interested. I came back home and I’ve just been kinda waiting before I headed back up (to Colorado) hoping for some better reports. The whole reason I took off in September was in hopes of being able to hunt them in the rut when they are so vocal. That just doesn’t seem to be happening yet. I still have 2 weeks off work. Hopefully things get better.
i spent an evening on one of utah's best elk units in one of the most populated spots for rutting elk on Monday and I didn't hear a single bugle.
In SW Colorado with a ML tag right now. Been camped up on the mountain for the last 10 days. Came to town to get a shower today.

I have heard 1 bull bugle so far in 10 days. He bugled 6-8 times between 8-9am Sunday morning. Other than that total silence. Watched a group of 6 cows, 2 calves, 1 bull on 2 occasions. Watched them 30 minutes Sun night. Then 45 minutes Tuesday morning. Was within 100 yards the entire time on Tuesday. Neither the bull or cows made a single peep either time. The bull just hung back from the cows and followed them around. Nothing seems fired up around me. After 10 days I’d almost kill for some bugling action right now!

I wonder if a thread like this doesn't get the attention from folks hearing bugles because they don't want to draw attention to their spot.

I'll mention I heard 20 or 30 bugles (and we left bugling bulls) back on Aug 29 in Wyoming. We had bugling elk for pretty much the entire week. At one point were were at our truck ready to walk in and timber creep for the day and a dude rolls up on an ATV and laments to us how he wishes the elk were bugling at 9AM. It was 9AM, and during our conversation a bull bugled and chuckled twice right off the road, he just didn't hear it.
I wonder if a thread like this doesn't get the attention from folks hearing bugles because they don't want to draw attention to their spot.

I don't have any clue as to whether this is accurate, but it's what I'm going to tell myself anyway.
I wonder if a thread like this doesn't get the attention from folks hearing bugles because they don't want to draw attention to their spot.

I'll mention I heard 20 or 30 bugles (and we left bugling bulls) back on Aug 29 in Wyoming. We had bugling elk for pretty much the entire week. At one point were were at our truck ready to walk in and timber creep for the day and a dude rolls up on an ATV and laments to us how he wishes the elk were bugling at 9AM. It was 9AM, and during our conversation a bull bugled and chuckled twice right off the road, he just didn't hear it.

I've been in colorado since Thursday. I've heard one bugle in almost a week. I've talked to others at their camps and they look downright depressed and say they have heard nothing. I really hope it turns around in the next couple days because it is downright depressing to come all the way from Indiana for what has amounted to a dud of a hunt.
I spent 10 days out. I have multiple friends in multiple different regions who have been out for 7+ days. In general it has been a very quiet season. We have had a few bulls called in but the scenarios have been anything but typical. We have discussed different theories - Extra traffic in the hills due to covid, fires, the heavy early snow, etc. Not sure what the deal is but the bulls are not talking like normal in most areas.
I spent 10 days out. I have multiple friends in multiple different regions who have been out for 7+ days. In general it has been a very quiet season. We have had a few bulls called in but the scenarios have been anything but typical. We have discussed different theories - Extra traffic in the hills due to covid, fires, the heavy early snow, etc. Not sure what the deal is but the bulls are not talking like normal in most areas.

This is why I’ve been watching this thread. Trying to determine if something odd/abnormal is going on or if we all just suck at hunting and the pros are just keeping quite and laughing at us. I don’t think anyone is giving away any real specific info. It’s pretty much been a state by state thing and at best a region of the state. I don’t think that’s giving away someone’s “spot”.