BRO Breakup

Nothing lasts forever. So no reason to expect that group would stay together. I don't know which one Eric was.

We make fun of them now as just another youtube bunch forcing material for clicks, likes, and to stay relevant. The truth is though, that first year of LOF series remains some of the most entertaining elk hunting I've ever watched. By season 3 I was only watching if title showed a dead bull and by season 4 don't watch at all. Nothing lasts forever.

And yes, my opinion is nobody did more to promote the western hunting "everyone get a tag and you can do it to" phenomenon as these guys. So I understand if somebody doesn't like them cause of it.
I queued up YouTube and...

Their best days ended about 2018. They seemed genuine back then. I liked their videos and older DVDs. Then they turned into corporate shills, started hunting private land for "content," and made a grab-assing mockery out of hunting (Dirk and Trent playing WWE Halloween dress up in the backcountry).

Consequently, the public land I hunt for deer and elk started to have rigs with BRO window stickers on every spur road, with flat-brimned idiots bugling without rhyme or reason like they were auditioning for 1st chair in the marching band. Call me a gatekeeper or elitist all you want, but their recruitment of new hunters to flood public land to put on a First Lite fashion show and parade Hoyts around the woods ruined hunting for a lot of us, while they reaped the financial benefits and ran off to far away lands on either private land, or choice spots the fine folks at OnX or *insert other big name hunting company* had picked out for them ahead of time.

I don't watch any of these clowns anymore, or anyone else who whores out hunting for "clicks", "likes" and "subscribes."
Yeah I stopped watching just about all of it a handful of years back when i realized that I was actively contributing to my own pain and misery of it being much harder to get tags in my own state. I had a guilty pleasure of hunting videos, but these days living vicariously doesn’t cut it at all. Also I think when you get out and hunt a bunch and become somewhat proficient at it a lot of these videos are extremely cringey, and do not promote the ethical or conservation side of hunting. Hunting is best lived through the eyes of the hunter and stories around a camp fire.
Well said

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Call me a gatekeeper or elitist all you want, but their recruitment of new hunters to flood public land to put on a First Lite fashion show and parade Hoyts around the woods ruined hunting for a lot of us, while they reaped the financial benefits and ran off to far away lands on either private land, or choice spots the fine folks at OnX or *insert other big name hunting company* had picked out for them ahead of time.

I don't watch any of these clowns anymore, or anyone else who whores out hunting for "clicks", "likes" and "subscribes."
Hey i resemble that Hoyt and FL statement and i will admit, they probably influenced me to look at and buy FL when they were wearing their predator camo but i was a Hoyt fan, way before BRO's LOL
Hey i resemble that Hoyt and FL statement and i will admit, they probably influenced me to look at and buy FL when they were wearing their predator camo but i was a Hoyt fan, way before BRO's LOL
Those were just the first brands to come to mind they used to peddle. And I'm not saying they aren't good products! No judgment.
Hey i resemble that Hoyt and FL statement and i will admit, they probably influenced me to look at and buy FL when they were wearing their predator camo but i was a Hoyt fan, way before BRO's LOL
Yeah I bought a grip of FL with 40% off vet discount, these days I’m apt to look elsewhere, seems like when they got huge as a company their quality went wayyy down. I’ve burned through stuff like shirts in a season I have some old asat stuff from them that’s going strong though
The most epic brotherhood of brothers walking around the glorious big game woods like a band of brothers searching for other brothers to share the brotherhood of big game bonding and of course.....more brotherhood. Don't forget your zippered game bags, brothers!

Anytime I hear or read "brother" and it's not in the context of someone's male sibling I think of this audio.

Like to play it when the union reps swing by the jobsite trailer.
Now it’s all YouTube boy bands in camo and chum-guzzling fishing girls on the gram. It’s gonna keep getting worse until game and fish violations cost more than their ad revenue.
That is a pipe dream to hope that the violations will outweigh the revenue, for validation of that statement see Muley Freak
Hunting influencers are currently in the peak "hair metal" phase. Its all derivative garbage that will hopefully be washed away soon by changing tides of cultural taste.
We can only hope. I hate the influencers as much as the next guy but as I look around this site I am bombarded with hunting related advertisements and there is no way to convince me that all those companies share the same values in regards to wildlife as I do. I understand that everything has got to make money somehow but at what point do we connect the dots that there isn't a vast difference between making money but putting hunting videos on YouTube and making money by doing hunting related podcasts, writing hunting magazines, writing 'how to' hunting books and spending time on hunting related forums just like this one?

I am guilty of consuming (at different levels) all of the above but I am certainly not naive enough to think that all of them don't add to more people at the trailhead.

Yes there is a gradient and influencers sit at the top of the heap but the dirt is on everyone's hands who produces or consumes this content.
I'll admit I am probably the minority of most on here. I enjoyed watching Born and Raised a year or two ago, i think their 2.0 series. They had teamed up with THP in that series I believe. I also would like to know the backstory too. Since they didn't even appear on camera to say goodbye plus the lawyer legal statement made doesn't sound good. It does or did seem Kody got into waterfowl a lot more too and had some videos of that stuff. Curious as to what happens.