No it isn’t. Weak feet are modern world thing- by and large “foot” and lower limb problems are not present to this day in cultures that do not wear shoes or only very soft shoes, or only sandals.
Everest porters:
tennis shoes-
View attachment 741974
Tennis shoes-
View attachment 741975
Tennis shoes-
View attachment 741976
View attachment 741977
And before the “well their feet are probably messed up”, no- they aren’t. Foot problems with them, and everywhere else in the world are at a way lower rate- sometimes near nonexistent, than in the modern world.
Feet are designed to carry weight and support one’s body and load. We (the modern world) have a weak feet, lower leg, and spine problem. As soon as a baby is born people put two caskets on their feet, the feet never develop muscular and tendon/ligament strength and stability, lower leg supporting structures never develop, injuries to knees and feet result, and then when you become an adult you get orthotic “supports”; meanwhile ignoring the very problem at its source- weak feet and legs.
“Supportive” footwear is just like most modern medicine- treat the symptom, not the disease and the root cause at its source.