I’ve been asked a bunch on how to bond or glue a rail to an action. I had one today to do, so…
This is a Tikka T3x and Leupold Backcountry Rail. The has a lip around the edge of it, it’s not flat with the action. So you lose all friction that would come when the rail and action are mated together. It also does not have recoil lugs. Wouldn’t recommend.
For a bonding agent I’m using Loctite 380 Black Max this time.
First degrease the action, action threads, the rail, every screw, the holes in the rail, etc. Using acetone, brake cleaner, etc get all the oil off.
Then, coat the rail with the adhesive, try to stay away from the screw holes-
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Set the rail straight down over the holes so you don’t drag the adhesive into them, then put one screw at a time in, just to snug.
Then pull one screw out at a time and clean the screw and the threads in the action well with acetone/brake cleaner to get any adhesive off that might have gotten in. Out of the four screws one got adhesive in it-
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Clean each one off, then usnibg Blue Loctite, a paint pen, or fingernail polish, put some in the screw and torque down. Repeat for all the screws.
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Once they are all cleaned, painted and torqued, I go back and put a dab of paint/Loctite around the screw heads. I ran out of orange, so shifted to purple.
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Finished rail with a line of adhesive showing-
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Scope mounted, index marked and ring base screws-
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And on ring cap screws-
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If something comes loose, it’ll be obvious. But it won’t. Done as shown, this base, ring, scope combo isn’t moving unless I want it to.