BLM identifying lands with no public access...

Where’s BHA fighting for legislation to address corner crossing? Are they still at the pint night?

BHA did in MT


Even partnered with other organization and had a boots-on-the-ground rally at the capital. Won support of the governor, but couldn’t get it through the legislature. They absolutely will support and lobby for any more efforts as well.

Also in Nevada:


Can thank tester I’m sure for that being killed in the house

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Can thank tester I’m sure for that being killed in the house

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Probably not, since he doesn’t serve in the MT House, or MT Senate for that matter.

He is a US senator and therefore wouldn’t even consider state legislation.

It was pretty clear the Ranching lobby got their way on that one. Luckily, they haven’t got their way on stream access though!
Any chance they’ll actually get anything passed on corner jumping?

BHA did in MT


Even partnered with other organization and had a boots-on-the-ground rally at the capital. Won support of the governor, but couldn’t get it through the legislature. They absolutely will support and lobby for any more efforts as well.

Also in Nevada:


Any chance they’ll actually get anything passed on corner jumping?

By “they” you mean the MT legislature?

Hard to read the tea leaves on that. The Ranching and Outfitter lobbies are really powerful in MT. It was pretty surprising just how far it got, with support of BHA and hunters/fisherman generally.

I hope so.

This endeavor by the BLM is encouraging.
I wouldn’t wanna be the guy with a elk on the ground when the warden showed up and took it and wrote you a 12k fine before you hired a lawyer to try it in the courts but that’s just me

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How about a 12 year old minority female in the scouts that was just trying to access a landlocked stream to earn a new merit badge (or whatever they're called)? It all depends on the circumstances for the "trespass" on how the courts will decide and create new case law concerning the matter...
Well probably depends on the ranch try it on the wilks I’ll be the best spot since they have money and don’t care they do some great things for wounded warriors but I’m pretty sure the people that patrol that ranch would have a issue with it

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Interesting. We have some prime spots of public nearby we are locked out of, due to the 4 way intersection of public/private. They will trespass you for jumping the fence at that point, even though you are going from BLM to BLM. CPW claims you can’t jump the fence without touching the private.
This still blows my mind. Corners are a lawyers rabbit hole. I just need to bring a drone / jet pack powerful enough to lift me clear over the corner so I'm consider airborne and not on the ground.
Know a fellow who accessed some prime public land via helicopter. It was an expensive solution, but it worked. He had a great, and successful hunt.

I applaud recent efforts to open some of those chunks of public land (not just BLM) that have been locked up, surrounded by private property.
Know a fellow who accessed some prime public land via helicopter. It was an expensive solution, but it worked. He had a great, and successful hunt.

I applaud recent efforts to open some of those chunks of public land (not just BLM) that have been locked up, surrounded by private property.
How expensive? Worth it to split 3 ways? :)

Here is the link to nominate parcels that need an easement. I think it is worth your time to show there is legit interest in the BLM pursuing legal access to otherwise inaccessible land.