
Mar 21, 2012
So, I have been working out very hard the past 6 months, I am down to my last few weeks over here in the lovely country of Afghanistan so I am doing two a days until I leave. Since the day I got here I have been running 3-10 miles 4-5 days a week with no issues. All of a sudden in the past two days after running 3 miles in the morning with an hour of lifting and another 5-6 miles in the evening I have developed two very healthly sized blisters on the insides of my feet, about midway between my heel and my toes.

I have been using the Brooks Pure Grit for 4 months and have had no issues. I run a bit on pavement and most of trail is gravel and dirt. What am I doing wrong? Is it the shoes? The socks? I am clueless as to how I am all of a sudden getting blisters now???

Any advice?
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Jun 10, 2012
Wearing synthetic socks? Assume you are, so I think you need a few pair of shoes, they're smoked from that kinda mileage and the midsole is worn out which leaves you with no rebound or cushioning.

Wait for the new Pure Grits to come out, much better traction than the ones you have.
Nick Muche
Mar 21, 2012
I am just wearing regular ankle socks from wal-mart, nothing fancy as I haven't been able to find what I want... Any suggestions? The shoes still feel comfortable and I can't believe they'd be worn out already! My last pair lasted me 3 years, I just retired them when I bought the Brooks! I still have them in my closet and I plan to use them in the morning just to see if that is the issue.

I get blisters when I play basketball. I haven't played in over a year, but two weeks ago I played for about an hour. I could feel a hot spot starting on my foot so I immeditately just stopped. Just not worth it to me anymore. Injuries and blisters will affect my hunting season when I get home and that's not gonna happen!
Jun 10, 2012
The strange part is the bilsters just started coming up -though if you look at your running, you've changed things -added more miles and twice per days. Blisters typically happen for a reason. New socks is always my first recommendation as you want to help eliminate some of the moisture that builds up. You know from hunting the water management characteristics of cotton -it sucks! Snag some synthetic socks if you can, brand doesn't matter.

Shoes don't last 3 years with regular use. Though people with a light step and great biomechanics can get away with a worn out shoe and have it last for years, but those folks are very, very few and far between.

The Pure series from Brooks are not high mileage shoes, they're minimal (4mm heel offset) shoes with minimal cushioning.

I'd change socks, tape that area up before you run, and have fun!
Nick Muche
Mar 21, 2012
I bought the other pair, Asics, in 2009 while I was in Iraq. Those have been the only shoes I have worn for working out and running since then.. many many many miles... Of course they show some wear, but they have never felt uncomfortable at all and they have certainly lasted all of 3 years.

I am going to try and change socks and see what that does. It is strange like you say, they just came out of nowhere. I was about 3 miles into my 5 mile run two days ago and I could feel hot spots starting.... No actual blisters, but yesterday about 2 miles into the run I could feel what would definately be a blister by morning, sure enough, two of them...

Two pairs of socks may help until I get home??
Nick Muche
Mar 21, 2012
I hate buying running shoes, hence the reason I just kept on using the last pair... The pair before that, I had since 2006! I have always been a runner, I don't like it at all, but I know that it keeps me in shape. To add, the Brooks costed more than the other two combined! The only reason I bought the others was because I found the first pair onsale when I was stationed in Dubai for $16.99 and the other pair I bought cause they were marked down from 100$ to 20$. The Brooks have treated me well thus far, just disappointed that now I am getting blisters...


Apr 6, 2012
Forget the socks man those shoes are worn out. Those things are only supposed to get like 3-400 miles out of them. I'm a Brooks guy myself and I wear the regular shoes (not the grits) those things are supposed to get like 5-600 miles. Time for a new pair of shoes. If you want shoes that last for alot longer try out the Brooks Ravenna's, they have served me well anyhow. You can snag them on sale at STP, or since I assume your military sign up for, which I think carries Brooks, or leoadventures, both give you 30% off.


Classified Approved
Apr 26, 2012
Depending on what I am doing, I get rid of shoes (give them away so you don't wear them anymore) after 4-6 months. If you start to feel a problem, it has been there for a while. Most of the shoes are not designed for the long term usage that you have given them. I would agree to the 500+/- miles. Good shoes are a must unless you are going to go without to toughen up your feet. You should have at least two pairs and rotate every day.