Boot Fit


Feb 23, 2023
I have a pair of Zamberlan Storm Pro boots that I've got about 100 miles on. On recent scouting trips I've still been getting blisters on my heels and tips of my toes. I don't have any inserts and I wear pretty middle of the road boot socks, but I believe I'm going to he in the market for new boots. I have fairly narrow feet and my La Sportiva hiking boots fit really well, but I like having something a little stiffer for hunting in the mountains. I'd like to get some opinions on what would cause the toe blisters specifically since I haven't experienced that with boots in the past. Also any mountain boot recommendations would be helpful.
Try some different socks. Double layer anti blister socks.

Ive got about 200 miles on the Crispi Colorados without a single blister. I’ve worn double layer socks and regular hiking socks. I put some cheap insoles in them too (superfeet trailblazers)