Dos Perros
I've attached the fundamentals you've been searching for. M2 money supply tells the story of the fiat money Ponzi in pure black and white.
You may not like Bitcoin for whatever reason but these charts are pure signal.
If your investment vehicle of choice is not outpacing M2 then you are being debased. In the charts below you will see I have changed the denominator to M2 and picked some common numerators (SPY) S&P 500/ (QQQ) NASDAQ/ (GLD) GOLD/ (XOM) EXXON MOBILE and BITCOIN
The only way you can disagree with this data moving forward is if you think the US GOVT will stop printing money and expanding the money supply. Im betting it only accelerates from here personally as we are now adding 1 Trillion a year in debt just to pay interest expense which is also now the largest line item in the US budget.
Also this is just the US... Every G7 nation has the same issue.
Im also seeing in this thread a lot of you saying you will sell your BTC for fiat at 100K or whatever price you have in your head. This is a fundamental misunderstanding of why you should be invested in Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is the EXIT!
Can you now articulate why this is wrong, or why others might think this is wrong?