Biggest, baddest, newest etc...

I grew up pretty piss poor in a small town with parents that worked two jobs to be able to pay the bills. Now that I've finished school and have a well paying job and my wife makes a hell of a living I like to splurge on things that I like doing. I don't generally post much of the "look at me" stuff, because I grew up on the other side of the spectrum with the hand me down clothes and P.O.S. truck. I still analyze every dollar I spend more than what's probably "healthy" lol. I like nice things though and sometimes my wife has to reel me back in. I've still yet to drop the money on a high dollar pack, because I've wanted to try it on before I drop the money. I'm gonna have to stop by Kifaru on my next trip to visit the wife and kids. Gearing up is part of the fun to me, but to each their own. Congrats on the graduation by the way.
I really don't get to hunt as much as I'd like to so looking at the new gear that might improve my hunts helps me through the off season.

As far as spending money and or hunting there's always a trade off.
Spend more time working to go on fewer but better hunts with better gear or work less and hunt more with OTC tags or local lands with less.

Don't hate either. We all have a price to pay. And get to choose our own path.

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Yeah tinkering and improving my gear helps pass the off season jitters.

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Just got my latest greatest toy in the mail yesterday, one of the new EZV sights. put on my bow did a quick sight in .Put some arrows through it yesterday and a bunch today. Once I get the new wore off then I will maybe do a short review, still having fun with it right now.